Chapter 2

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"This bed is too small for two, Draco, I'm sure we have an air mattress!" Harry was standing at the edge of his bed and changing while trying to convince Draco to not sleep in his bed, but to Draco it was non-negotiable. Draco was already going wrapped in the covers of Harry's bed and seemed to be drifting off to sleep. "Fine, I'll sleep on the floor." Harry placed his glasses on his bedside table, laid down on the floor and stared up at the ceiling again, but this time he soon drifted off to sleep with the warm summer wind blowing what sounded like a lullaby.

Harry awoke to to be blinded by the sun shining in through the window and tried to rise to get his glasses, but felt extra weight on him that held him down. He reached for his glasses that weren't too far and his newfound vision showed that his trouble of getting up was caused from Draco sleeping soundly with his arm wrapped around Harry's chest, head resting slightly above Harry's, but neck bent so his nose pressed up against Harry's skull and one of Draco's legs were wrapped wrong Harry's. He attempted to wake up Draco, but all he got was shifting so he gave up and decided to watch the sky until Draco woke up. A few moments after Dudley waltzed in with a smirk, which quickly faded when he saw what was going on with Harry. "Mother! Come here, please!" He screeched without taking his eyes off of Harry.

"What is it my sweet little-" Her mouth closed as she saw and then opened again, but no words came out.

"I believe you are in no position to judge." Draco spoke softly and slowly opened his eyes to show his gray eyes which lit up in the summer's sun and neither Harry's aunt or cousin spoke another word before leaving faster than they'd entered. "I didn't even know I left my bed last night. Sorry, Harry." Harry was speechless and Draco saw this as he got up and stood next to Harry's body.

Harry turned his head slightly too look Draco in the eyes and said words he'd never expected to leave his mouth. "Draco, I love you." Harry was shocked that the words left his lips, but Draco just shrugged and scooped Harry up. Draco held Harry in his arms and threw him onto the bed where he bounced for a moment.

Draco walked over to Harry's dresser, picked out a shirt and some pants and put the on in a matter of seconds while Harry stared fixedly. "Come on, get dressed! Do you know if there's a place we can get some food near here?"

"Y-Yeah, there's a diner down the street." Harry said, rose and walked over to the dresser Draco was in front of to pick out some clothes.

"Jeez, some variety you've got there." Draco sarcastically exclaimed about his clothing. "Well, perfect. Let's head there, pick up some food and then we can head to a nearby park." Draco turned to walk towards the door and Harry saw the Muggle money Draco had in his pocket, but didn't bother to ask how he'd gotten it.

Draco grabbed Harry by the wrist and pulled him down the stairs, outside and down the street until he let Harry lead because he was unsure where their destination was. Draco payed for their lunch and got Harry a meal he hadn't ever had while staying with the Dursleys. The got it to go and Harry showed him to where the park was. They hopped over the fence and took seats next to each other on the swings Harry once sat alone on. Harry opened the bag and pulled out a plate of lobster with a side of fries because Draco had never had them and got a side to share with Harry. "Mm this lobster is to die for. You coming here has been the best thing to happen this week!" Harry yelled while stuffing his face full of lobster.

Draco smiled and continued to inspect a fry before eating it and soon eating the whole lot of them. "Father never lets me have these. He says there for the poor."

Harry chuckled as he watched Draco take the handful of them and stuffing them into his mouth. "Well, your father isn't here, is he?" Harry rhetorically stated. "To being able to make decisions on our own." Harry said and raised his drink for a toast which was followed by Draco and they clinked cups.

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