Gala (x2Spies)

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+Author's note

Idea and request by lylia9000!

Soft breathes down rolled down your neck like smoke, the warmth of his lips barely grazed your ear, his arms holding yours firmly.


He pulled you back and you loosened your arms enough to let him guide you, and strong enough to hold the butterfly knife in your hand.

With a graceful sweep, Spy guided your arms into the perfect position for a backstab, instructing your form with his hands.

"..And we are done for zhe day"

You let out a shaky breath, surprised that you were holding in your breath the entire time. Your mentor always did make you feel nervous.

Spy, on the other hand, did not seemed fazed whatsoever with your small squeaks and sighs. With a swift turn he headed towards his desk to see a envelope placed on it.

You were putting away the equipment you had been learning to use for the day. The soft clinking of instruments were silenced as you put them back in the velvet walled suitcase Spy had bought you.

A sudden hum had you perk your ears. You turned to see your mentor frowning as he seemed to read the letter from the envelope again.

His face was compensating something that apparently had something to do with you, as his eyes quickly darted from the letter to your blank expression.

A low sigh escaped his lips as Spy poured out a glass of wine. You couldn't help but feel nervous. Was there something you did wrong?

Quietly you treaded forwards as not to further bother the Frenchman.


Spy looked up at you, narrowing his eyes slowly, with a rather worriesome face.

"Ms.Pauling has asked specifically asked for you to join the next mission"

You gave an internal fist pump at the news. You've been here for 3 months and all you've been doing was practice backstabbing, fine dining and social studies. You finally had a chance to do something! Maybe you could even fight those BLUs your mentor has been keeping you from!

Catching the happy glint in your eye, Spy cleared his throat.

"I am not completely sure if 'ou are ready for a real mission yet.."


"Yes I know, Ms.Pauling did ask for 'ou, but zhat can quickly be rearranged. I don't zhink 'ou are quite ready for a real assassination. Zhe prime minister no less"

You gulped, but saw that your mentor was still deep in thought.

"But.. zhe gala may prove useful for 'our experience.."

The room filled with silence as the gears in Spy's head turned, while you held your breath for the upteenth time for the day.

"...alright, 'ou may go"


The entire team had been informed of your new mission, probably because you ran into the Engineer's room screaming with glee.

After gushing out your excitement, (and also helping pick up the parts of the door you ripped off) you quickly learned that there was much more to the mission than you thought.

Spy had dragged you into his smoking room for extra lessons and briefing, much to your surprise and dismay.

You and Spy were to infiltrate a gala held for a grand opening for a museum dedicated to old paintings from the renessiance.

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