Part 11

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I leaned up against the car as Daryl obnoxiously revved his bike; the sound ringing like a dinner bell.

"Daryl, cut that off." Rick instructed as Daryl hesitantly complied, "We still have a few things to go over."

Rick held a set of keys in front of me before placing them in my hand, "These are the only set of keys we have for this car, so keep them close to you and don't lose them."

"I, um-"

"Rosita's on her way over with water and a list of supplies we're running low on." He continued, "I want you to follow behind Daryl; he scouted out a place just a few miles from here that looks pretty untouched-"

"I can't drive." I cut him off, holding the keys back out to him.

"Ya can't drive?" Daryl scoffed, finally looking in our direction, "Hell, how old are ya?"

I rolled my eyes, looking back to Rick, "I never learned before this all started."

He nodded, taking the keys back, "Then I'll just have Rosita drive for now, I'm sure she'll be happy about that anyway."

"Rick," Glenn said, walking up to where we all stood, "Rosita said she's going to stay with Tara so I'm just going to take her spot."

I let out a sigh of relief as Glenn threw a bag of supplies through the back window, knowing that at least one person on this run wasn't out to get me.

"Ok," Rick nodded, "That'll work."

"Let's get this shit show on the road then." Daryl said, starting his bike as Rick handed Glenn the keys.

"Keep your eyes open and don't take any chances!" Rick instructed over the roar of engines as he pulled open the gate.


"So you tried to leave on your own this morning?" Glenn chuckled, eyes focused on the road in front of us.

"I just didn't want to seem like a burden.. you know?" I explained, "It's obvious that Daryl doesn't want anything to do with me-"

"No," Glenn cut me off, shaking his head, "That's just who Daryl is, he's has to warm up to you and even then he's just- he's just Daryl."

"And you all put up with that?" I joked.

"He's not a bad guy, he's just very guarded.. he's been through a lot-- we all have." He sighed.

"That's no excuse," I scoffed, "Like you said, we all have."

Glenn chuckled, "Give him a chance!"

I shook my head, "I don't like him."

"Well, if it's any consolation, I don't think he likes you either." He joked.

I laughed, "Yeah, not surprising."

The conversation began dying down before I finally worked up the courage to ask a question that had been on my mind since the other day, "What happened? Like, the incident? Deanna and Rick said something about it earlier."

The car went quiet again for a moment, Daryl's bike being the only noise to fill the space.

"A few of us went on a run a little bit ago," Glenn began, his tone now more emotion filled, "We lost two people, almost a third, because of people who didn't know what they were doing."

"Oh, I'm- I'm so sorry."

"One of them was one of Deanna's sons and the other was one of us.. his name was Noah." He explained, "And Tara was in bad shape-- she still kind of is, that's why you didn't meet her the other day and that's why we're on this run right now."

I nodded, sitting back in my seat, "What was Noah like?"


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