41. Hellfire

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Golden light streams into the silent room and onto the ocean-coloured carpets

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Golden light streams into the silent room and onto the ocean-coloured carpets. Only the sound of a pen colliding with parchments echoes throughout.
Dylan, Ethan and Allison are nowhere to be seen.

Where is everybody?

I almost jump up in surprise as I look down and find myself standing over beseated blond boy, scribbling some numerals on paper. A single book rests on the white laced table; I lean over too look at the leather cover. It is written by Henry Gray.

Henry Gray was a medical author.

My hand lowers to caress the cover but two individuals enter the room. The blond boy looks up from his work and at a boy child and toddler girl. The toddler laughs as her tiny legs scuttle on the floor and the little boy tries to stop her with furrowed brows.

Everyone looks familiar here.

The teenaged boy smiles as he pulls his chair back and treks over to the blue eyed toddler who has the same eyes as him, picking her up. A house maid comes running in, her face a homeland of tierdness and relief.

The boy lightly sways the toddler, making her cackle and the house maid says:
"You will be a fine father one day, Master Matthew."

Matthew's ears turn red as the little boy walks to the study table and intently examines the sprawled parchment.

I'm not the only one with the red eared habit.

"Isabelle's my sister, of course I'm good with her, Elizabeth." Matthew hands little Isabelle over to Elizabeth who holds out a toy to her which little Isabelle quickly takes in her hands. The elder brother shakes his head playfully, and looks at the younger brother with emerald eyes. Elizabeth leaves the rooms with Isabelle in her arms.

Elizabeth looks quite younger, as well. She looks like someone I know. I try to place circular spectacles on her face and tie her hair in a simple but light brown bun with a plumper waist.

She almost looks like my English teacher, Mrs Poppins...

Little Henry turns his head towards his brother, making me attentive towards him:
"Matthew, can I do this too?"

Matthew sits on his chair and leaves some vacant space for little Henry to climb into.
"Why not?"
Matthew smiles as Henry adjusts himself in his seat, the younger boy's legs not even meeting half way to the ground.

"Because I'm a patient." Little Henry states the obvious fact(for himself) as Matthew's eyes soften, along with my own. A slight tug appears on Matthews mouth as he pats Henry on the back and says:
"Do you believe you can do this, even if you're a patient?"

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