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Emotions cloud judgement


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Lucas was sitting on the couch while I grabbed two cups of water from the kitchen. I hadn't expected him to say "yes" to my invitation, much less sit so comfortably on my couch as if he lived in the apartment.

I filled the two cups with water and just as I was about to walk out of the kitchen, I got distracted by a beautiful blonde haired, green eyed man sitting on my couch, admiring one of the photo frames. I wasn't sure which one it was but he was staring at it so intently and there was a mixture of regret and surprise on his face.

There was always something about the way his face would change when he was concentrating that mesmerized me. It was one of the many traits I loved about him — how passionate and dedicated he was to things. I'd never met someone so loyal, especially considering the amount of love and dedication I received from my mother growing up.

He was the first person who made me realize that I was special and I didn't have to do everything people wanted. He taught me how to be brave and stand up for myself. He taught me to live my life and if I didn't love it everyday then I was doing something wrong; I wasn't living my life the way I wanted to. He taught me the secrets of the universe and everything in between and I could not have been more grateful for it.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, startling Lucas. The picture frame slightly fell out of his hands but it seemed as if he was holding on tight enough so that it wouldn't have fallen on the ground.

I made my way towards the couch, two water glasses in my hands, and a lot of memories in my mind.

"You kept this picture." Before Lucas turned the frame around, I already knew what picture he was talking about. I found a seat on the couch next to him as he showed me the picture.

"Yeah, I did. I wanted to get rid of it. I just... couldn't." The green eyed boy nodded and relieved me of one of the cups filled with water. His hands encompassed mine and I was tempted to tell him how much I missed the feeling and how badly I wanted it back. But I didn't because I knew better and I wasn't about to ruin an engagement based off of selfish needs.

"I love this picture of us Riley. I never want you to get rid of it."

"Yeah and how lame and pathetic is it that I still have a framed picture of my ex boyfriend and I at the Coney Island fair in my apartment?" I scoffed.


"An ex who, might I add, is about to get married! On my birthday no less!"

"Goddamn it Riley can you just please listen to me for a minute?" Lucas shouted. I shut my mouth immediately after he raised his voice. It truly was rare that Lucas got mad; he never did it without good reason.

The facial expression on the blonde's face dropped instantly and he was again overrun with guilt and shame.

"It's okay," I said gently, grabbing his hand. I managed a slight smile as I rubbed my thumb back and forth across his knuckles.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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