Chapter 2

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Two days later

“Tala have you come up with a name for your wolf yet?” Sandra asks climbing into the car with a subway bag.

“No not yet, every name I tried he gave me the same look I gave you when you tried to get me to wear that pink ruffle dress.”

“That dress was cute” her mother gasped

“If you are talking about the ruffle disaster of dress then I agree with Tala. I’m sorry honey but that was an ugly dress” Seth said over the walkie talkie that was sitting in the cup holder,

“That dress was cute I don’t care what you two say” Sandra said passing Tala her subway. She places a sliver bowl in front of wolf. Then she went to the back of the car and opens the truck to make a bowl of food for the wolf. It was a mix of dry dog food with sub meat and ground beef.  When she came back with the bowl she placed in front of the wolf beside the water bowl, which Tala had filled with water when Sandra was mixing the food.

“Are you ladies and wolf ready to go? We only have 3 to 4 hours till we hit California and then few hours after that till we get to my brother’s house” Seth tells his wife and daughter over the walkie talkie. 

Tala never told her parents but she was really worried and scared about the move. What if the same things that happen to her in South Carolina happen to her in California? What if everywhere she goes the she will always be hated because of what she is? Every morning and every night Tala prays that she is wrong, and that she finds some where she can call home.

“Honey eat your sub before it gets too cold.” Tala’s mom told her driving on to the freeway.

As the rode down the highway Tala mind was filled with too many questions. She still needed a name for her guardaned of a wolf. She keep wondering what was waiting for in California.

“Emily, I just got the call that Seth and he said they are a few hours away.” Seth’s older brother Logan tells his wife Emily. Logan was getting ready to see the alpha to tell him that he’s brother and family are thinking about joining the pack. He knew that the alpha would be ok with that unless he felt that they were a threat then they would not be able to join the pack.

“That’s great. I can’t wait till they get here. Did you talk to the alpha yet?”

“No I’m on my way there now. He has been busy these last few days and I finally get a chance to talk to him. So I’ll be back in a few minutes love.” Logan tells his wife before giving her a kiss on the cheek before leaving. Logan walks to the main house which is where the alpha and his family lived. But now the alpha lives there alone. His parents love to travel so after they named their son alpha they started to travel the world; his sisters where mated and living their life’s with their mates. Logan walks up the large double door and rang the doorbell. The door open to show the 6’2 tanned skinned man with long black hair that went passed his shoulders and light brown eyes. He wasn’t wearing a shirt so Logan could see the ripple chest and washboard ads of alpha. Almost every girl in the pack drool over him and every guy worked out with him so they could get a body like his. Logan was one of those guys.

“Logan, are you here to talk about your brother and his family joining the pack?” the alpha asks Logan with a cocky smile on his face. Logan wasn’t even shocked that the alpha knew why he was here. He has eyes and ears everywhere.

“Yes that is why I am here.”

“Then come on in. you want a beer?”

“No thank you” Logan said following the alpha into the living room. The room was large one of the biggest room in the house. It had a big screen TV mounted on the wall with two couches and a few arm chairs and a coffee table in the middle of the room on top of a Persian rug. All around the room was pictures of the family and friends. Logan takes a sit in an arm chair while the alpha sits on the couch which was right next to Logan.

“Logan you know your brother and his family are welcome here. I mean hell this is Seth pack. He may have moved away but in my eyes he is still a member of this pack.”

“Thank you alpha Seth will be happy to hear that.”

“but I would like you for to tell me about how he and his family are doing and why they are moving here.” even though the alpha said it in a nice way Logan can hear his alpha tone so he could not disobey his alpha.

“Well as you know that my brother moved out of California for his dream job in south Carolina. He got to work and build software’s for different computer companies maybe even in a few agents. He did meet his mate when he was out there but sadly she died before they could really be together but he did find love in Miss Sandra Clark. She is human and she found out Seth was a werewolf by accident but she didn’t care. She loves him. They got married and had a girl named Tala. They did leave near a pack in south Carolina but…”Logan didn’t want to tell the alpha the issues the family had to face but he knew he had to.

“Go on please”

“The pack didn’t like Tala. She is half human and she can’t change. They felt that she was weak and to them the weak should die. So they would play pranks on her when she was little. Then when she grew up after puberty when she found out that she can’t change. The pranks became more hurtful. My brother would call to tell me that she would come home bleeding with cuts and bruises all over her. But the last one wasn’t a prank. It was an attack…Tala nearly died. This wolf that kind of follows her and protects her saved her life. He attacked her attackers. The wolf is also coming with the family. I don’t think he wants to leave her. That’s about it. They just want a better place for them and their daughter.” Logan says telling the alpha. Logan looks over and sees the alpha with anger on his face. The alpha did not like the fact that Tala was picked on and beaten because she could change and because she may be a little weaker. That was not right.

“When they get here I would like to talk to Tala alone. I just want to tell her that she will be safe here that she could find happiness here.  If that is all then you can go Logan. When your brother’s family get here let them know they are welcome in this pack as members.” The alpha tells Logan getting up. His mind was filled of all the things he was going to have to prepare for the family when they get here.

“Thank you alpha. I will” Logan says getting up and showing his self out. Walking back to his house his wife Emily was waiting for him on the front porch.

“Hey honey, you didn’t have to wait for me.” Logan said walking up to the steps to his wife.

“I know I just wanted to know how the meeting went.” Emily said standing up when her husband reach her on the porch. He wraps his arms around his beautiful wife waist pulling her close to him.

“The meeting went well. He said that Seth and his family are welcome to the pack as members but he would like to talk to Tala alone. I have a feeling he’s going to want to know more about her past.”

“Is that good or bad?” Emily asks laying her head on her strong husband chest.

“Knowing the alpha, I don’t know.” Logan answers honestly. “Come on lets go to bed so we can be ready for Seth and the family.”  He said leading his wife into the house.

The alpha walked into his bed room. His heart was in pain and he could tears forming in his eyes but he would not let them fall. His wolf wanted blood. This whole time he thought she was happy, living a good life.  He could not believe what Logan told him today. He once saw a picture of Tala that Logan had. She had a huge smile on her face, the moment he saw her face he knew. She was his mate. He thought about fly, driving, running to South Carolina just to be with her. But he never did. He never could. He was lending against the wall and punches his right hand right thought it. “I could have helped her. I could have been there.” He said under his breath. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Tala. I promise to make it all better.” He vowed out loud and in his heart. The alpha rips off his clothes and ran out of this French door that lead to the outside. He transforms into this wolf and ran hard and fast. Once he was far enough from the pack he let out a long howl to the moon but also to his mate. A howl of a painful sorrow.

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