chapter 14

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Vic's POV

as i got to the grave yard it started raining i didn't have an umbrella so i decided to make it short.

"Hey Mikey, so i was gonna take Kellin to a picnic but uh, don't think that'll work out anymore. we are still going on a date today. i know you would be there fussing over everything and telling us to use protection and stuff. not saying we would do that on the first date, but you'd be joking about it... i miss you buddy." i said with a sigh. 

as i turned around to leave i saw Jack standing behind me with a group of really big guys.

"um..." i said before bolted off to my car. 

i didn't get very far before i was tackled behind a tree and i saw a rusty knife being held up to my back. 

"no! stop!" i shouted.

"say a word and i'll fucking stab you." the guy threatened as one of them sat on me. 

Jack stood there and stared at Mikey's grave for the longest time, till someone came running up. it was Kellin!

they started talking and it looked like Kellin was comfortable around him, he put his hand on Jack's shoulder and said something. suddenly Jack kissed him! 

that's it, i have nothing to live fir anymore. i'm done with this fucking life! i lost my brother, my mom, my home, everything i ever cared about had been taken from me. i let out a loud scream before i felt the knife get shoved into my back. it stabbed me over and over again. i saw Kellin run up to me before i blacked out. 


sowie for the short one and the cliff hanger, i'm writing this in bulk and am in a bad mood. when i'm in a bad mood i get very dramatic. :P

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