My thug Friend

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"Where did you drop her off at" Sahale yelled.

"Hold on where is my phone" I asked looking in Ella's bag.

"I don't give a damn about your phone what is the address" he yelled.

"You better stop yelling before Ella wakes up. The address is in my phone" I said.

"Well hurry the fuck up bi" he said. Ella started to cry.

"2035 Dead rd" I said. I hopped in the backseat.

"Ella, Ella. You are my little angel. Your eyes are brown. Your hair is black. Your skin is soft. Your lips are pink. You are my little angel" I sang. She was sleep and we were pulling up to the house. Sahale jumped out the car and ran in. Ten minutes later he came back in the car.

"She was okay" I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. When we pulled up to the house I ran to get Ella just as Sahale was about to. I carried her in the house. I changed her diaper and laid her down . I went in our room and plopped on the bed.

"Look I'm sorry. Be ready when I get back tho for real"he said. I heard him leave. I went to get Ella and the keys to the Benz. We drove to Ms. Tasha's house. She opened the door and let me in.

"Hey baby" she said.

"Hey" I said. I saw Brooke and Blaise sitting on the steps.

"Girl I'm about to take them to the park" she said.

"Why" I asked. She looked up and I heard moans.

"Oh God can you take Ells then" I said.

"Why" she asked.

"I want to go see my momma" I said. She grabbed Ella and Iran to the car.

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