Chapter 12 - The Job Description

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My phone keeps on blinking and buzzing, and I hurry to pick it up to not disturb Dad and Mom's sleep. It's already eight in a Monday night. The New Jersey streets are sparkling and busy, but the hospital room I am in is as dull and lonely as the dark printed curtains hanging by the windows. I toss my de Vere paperwork to the table when I recognize the voice in the receiver.

"Lenna?" The talent scout who I thought is a hooker.

"You're not working tonight?"

"No, I missed work today." I spent all day researching about de Vere because I have planned to devote the rest of the week to finding money for Dad's new kidney and an answer for my never-ending doubts about finishing college. "How did you know I'm not at work? Are you at Maxwell's?" I said in a hushed voice.

"Yes. I have something for you tonight."

Tonight? One strong thud changes the rhythm of my heart.

Not tonight. It's too fast. I just agreed to her last night, and I get a job twenty-four hours after? I don't even know what to do. She hasn't told me any specific instructions.

"Are you crazy? I didn't even get an orientation from you."

"Orientation?" I hear her chuckle. "This needs no orientation. I told you everything you need to know. We caught a big fish tonight, Angel!"

"You just told me to smile and follow everything a big time employer tells me. That doesn't sound reassuring." I saunter out of the room, close the door behind me, and head to the hallway where no one can overhear our conversation.

"Are you taking it or not?"

I pause as I take a deep breath.

"Okay, count me in." That is not too hard to say.

"Meet me here."

"At Maxwell's? No way!" If Ray finds me there, he will get suspicious. I might not escape his vulture eyes and claws.

"Then the coffee shop it is."

I play my fingers around the brim of my hot cup of coffee, my eyes fixed on the door of the shop waiting for a red-haired woman in an unusual get-up. I leave the hospital lying to Mom that Ray wants to meet me. They mustn't know that I have landed myself in a rather precarious situation in my desperation.

I can still get myself out of this web. Lenna isn't here yet.

I feel my stomach grumbling not because I am hungry. It's a weird grumbling noise of air mixing with my insides.

Maybe I should go back now.

Just after I empty my cup, my eyes catch a glimpse of Lenna in a lime green Venus-cut dress entering the café. Behind her is a bald man probably five inches taller than her in a black coat and tie.

I retreat back to my chair and prepare myself to take the challenge. It is too late to back out. They're here.

"Angel." Lenna smiles at me. "This is Paul."

He doesn't look like those bachelors I see on a reality TV, but if I am going to work for him, maybe it won't be bad. He looks a lot older than me and a little stiff. He even has his nose held up high, but he doesn't look like a dangerous person to me. Maybe a little curve on his mouth might make him a little softer.

I am assuming I'll be his hired actress.

"He'll bring you to tonight's event," Lenna adds enthusiastically. I bet she's looking forward to receiving her check.

Should Have Not Asked - New Adult Romance (Wattys 2014)Where stories live. Discover now