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He grew older and the feelings never left him. Neither did his fear of the dark. Might as well call it what it was. It was a lie to say he was just "uncomfortable".

In his teens, his friends talked him into going into the woods to play with a Ouija Board. A "spirit" who called himself Dorian Gray talked to them. Of course, he knew that with Ouija it was all about subconscious muscle movements. People didn't know they were actually directing the planchette themselves. Just playing the game. However, sometimes information came through that he didn't know how"Gray" could possibly know. Or how he and his friends could either. One almost predicted the future about another friend of theirs. They were a bit stunned when the "prediction" came to pass a couple of days later. They continued playing for a few weeks(he was a little intrigued, even if he was a bit creeped out), but he stopped playing with the Ouija Board when his friends burst into the pizza place where he worked saying they couldn't get the board to work after the last message of "GRAY TALK TO LEW".

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