It's Been A Year

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Bonnie's prov

It's been a year since I have seen any of my friends I tried over and over again to bring Perrie back to life with my mother but something keeps blocking us. " Bonnie honey it's time to return to Mystic Falls it's been a year she's not coming back it's time to go home" Abby said staring at me.

" No you go I'm not leaving she saved the both of us and I promised I would not stop until she comes back" I said starting the spell again. " Bonnie I'm doing this for the both of us your friends have been calling us non stop they miss you we are going home" she said not backing down.

" You don't understand I'm not going back until she is alive just leave I don't need your help" I said looking at the coffin. She sighs nodding her head. Getting some paper and an item of Perrie's I wrote a note.

I'll bring you home Perrie


Sighing I looked up to see Klaus staring at me I glared and slammed the door closed before looking at my phone.

300 missed calls Elena, Caroline

50 missed calls Jeremy

10 missed call Damon

20 missed calls Stefan

4 missed calls Tyler

12 missed calls Alaric

Sighing I decided to call Stefan answering on the first ring I heard a sigh of relief.

" Bonnie ?.... Bonnie are you ok what happened it's been almost a year since you've been gone what happened." Stefan asked. " I know I'm sorry I have been busy" I said. " With what" he asked confused. " I made a deal with Klaus to stop at nothing until I bring Perrie back" I said knowing what he will say next.

" Are you crazy Bonnie he could kill you come home. Where are you Elena, Damon and I will come and get you" he said sounding worried. " I'm not coming home but Abby is though I know I can wake her up but something is blocking me I will be home soon" I said before hanging up sighing. I went back to reading more of my grimoires before dozing off to sleep.

Perrie's prov

I was in the afterlife meaning I could see everything going on and see everybody but not the other way around. As I was walking around the forest I saw a note attached to a tree.

I'll bring you home Perrie


I stood there confused I thought the witches were blocking her. I looked at the paper before vamping to where Bonnie and Klaus were staying for the time being. If she can send me a note then I can send her one as long as she is thinking of me. Getting one of her things I got some paper before writing her back.

Thank you Bonnie the witches are blocking you from contacting me. The only way to communicate is if you are sending me letter and if you are thinking of me. I believe in you Bonnie never give up. And don't block out the people you love they are heartbroken. I trust you and forever will don't give up


I closed my eyes letting a tear fall when I opened them the paper was gone and on her grimoire. I open her door and go down to the living room seeing Klaus sit there with tears in his eyes. He downed his drink before throwing the bottle at a wall screaming. I stood there watching him.

" You know he really cares about you along with the rest of our siblings" A boy said standing next to me. I smiled confused. " How would you know you don't know them or me" I said confused. He smiled before disappearing.

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