The Moon and Star

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The Moon and Star

"I found your jumper, Prongs," Remus said that night in the dormitory as the Marauders were getting into their pyjamas and preparing for a night of studying. Peter was laying out sweets and bottles of butterbeer that he'd knicked from the kitchens and Sirius was getting out firewhiskey from the desk drawer.

James looked up. "What? Where? Give it here!" His voice rang in excitement.

"I don't have it, exactly, see," Remus said carefully, "But I know where it is."

"Where?" James asked, and he grabbed his wand, determination to go and get it on his face.

"Lily Evans has it," Remus replied.

James stared at him. "....what?"

Sirius and Peter both looked up at this, too, Sirius's eyebrows raised. "What the fuck's she doing with Prongs's juumper?"

James looked like he was thinking the same thing.

"Wearing it," Remus replied.

"Lily Evans is wearing my jumper?" James looked torn between being upset and being pleased, like he just couldn't decide which emotion to feel.

Remus nodded. "She had it on in the library this afternoon when we made these." He pulled some flashcards out of his pocket and climbed up on Peter's bed next to the other boy, the sweets between them, leaning against one of the posts at the foot of the bed and grabbing a bar of double fudge from the pile of snacks.

"Where'd she get it from?" James asked, grabbing a licorice wand for Sirius and a box of Jelly Slugs for himself.

"Dunno, I didn't ask. We were in the middle of talking about something else and I didn't say anything about the jumper to her because of that, but it's missing the button and has the patches and your cologne all over it."

"I saw it the other day at your last practice when Lily came out to the stands, too," Peter confessed as he cracked open the butterbeers and started passing them around. Sirius declined one and opened a bottle of firewhiskey instead. "I mentioned it was yours to her and she thought I was mad and Alice Prewitt told me to bugger off."

"Well bloody hell," James said. "She's right going to give it back."

Sirius lowered the firewhiskey bottle, which he'd just taken a long pull from, and said, "You'd think you'd be excited, Prongs, that she was wearing your clothes and going about smelling like you."

James bit the head off a jelly slug and chewed slowly.

"I'd be rejoicing," Sirius continued. "Bet Jasper loves her going about smelling like another man. Bet he finds that right annoying."

James said, "Jolly good and all but I want it back."

"It's a jumper," Sirius said, "You've got four others just like it in your trunk!"

"Not like that one!" James answered, "She could have any other of my jumpers she wants but not that one."

"What the actual fuck is so special about that bleedin' jumper?"

"It was my dad's!" James answered. "It was his when he was in school and he gave it to me when I was a kid. We had warm coffee and sat in the kitchen late one night after mum had gone to bed and I had a cold and I had woke him up and he told me stories about when he was at Hogwarts to cheer me up, and I said I was cold and he went and opened up his magic trunk and he got that sweater out and he gave it to me and it's very important that I have it back!"

The Marauders Year Five Part 2 #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now