Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

     Eddie went home, that afternoon, and locked himself in his room... He embarrased himself, so badly. Aleks liked someone else. He liked some other girl. His heart broke, just thinking about it. The worst part, was that Aleks wasnt willing to tell him who she was.

     Today had been terrible. Sure, he and Aleks were still cool, but Eddie could never be with Aleks. He avoided talking to anyone, for the rest of the night. He was just so angry.

     Eddie went over to his nightstand, and pulled a blade from his drawer. He had thought about cutting before, but had never done it. He placed the cold metal on his skin...

     He just couldnt bring himself to do it. He was weak. He was a weak, coward. He was a gay fag, weak, coward. Tears ran down his face. He just hated himself, so much. He wished he had the courage to at least cut.

     He just wanted Aleks to feel the same way he did. He was angry with himself. He had always been insecure about himself, but this crushed him... He stopped for a moment... Aleks had it so much worse.

     Aleks got beat, and his grades slipped, all the time. He had lost his mother, and had lived a lie. Eddie felt guilty. He didnt really have it all that bad. Sure, Eddie had to move out as soon as he was old enough, because his parents disapproved of his life choices, but he didnt have to worry about all the abuse...

     Eddie went to bed that night, regretting all that had happened. He thought of Aleks, before he drifted into a deep slumber. 'I just want Aleks to be happy.'

     The next morning, He walked into class, and elbowed Aleks in the arm.

"Hey Aleks!" Eddie said.


Something was definitely wrong.


     Aleks had been building up his confidence, all night. He had to ask Eddie out today. He wanted to, so bad. All he had to do, was ask him out.

     That morning, his father gave him one of the worst beatings yet. He was sure to have a lot of new bruises. He wasnt sure what excuse he would use this time. He always had some excuse for the bruises.

     He walked into school. He was exausted, and his side hurt. It was so uncomfortable he was trying not to breathe very hard. It felt like his side was more than just bruised. This was bad.

     Walking into class was laborious. He slumped into his chair, and tried to relax, but the pain wouldnt subside. He closed his eyes, and layed his head back, to calm himself down.

"Hey Aleks!" Eddie elbowed him.

"Hi." Aleks kept it short.

"Are you okay?" Eddie looked concerned.

"Yeah, Im fine. im just tired."

"Oh... Hey, you want to hang out later today?" He asked, still watching Aleks warily.

"I cant. I have stuff I have to do today. Sorry." He winced.

"Aleks, are you sure you are okay?" Eddie complained.

"Im fine." Aleks huffed.

"Alright." Eddie turned around.

     Halfway through class, his pencil broke. He sat for a second... He had to sharpen it... But he didnt want to get up. He checked his bag for a spare... He didnt have one. He had to get up.

     Aleks stood up, and slowly walked over to the sharpener. He sharpened his pencil, and on the way back, suddenly, He felt the pain in his side increase dramatically. Dropping to the floor, he cried out in pain. Everyone looked up, from what they were doing.

"I tripped. Im sorry." He tried to excuse his falter.

"Go sit back down, Mr. Merchant." His teacher went back to his book.

     slowly, he stood up, and walked back to his seat... He felt very sick. He just hoped he wouldnt have to deal with Kevin today. He was to weak...

     Just Aleks luck, he ran right into Kevin. He pushed Aleks against a locker, making him wince. Grinning, Kevin played with Aleks' collar. Aleks pulled his head away.

"How are you today?" He smiled.

"Please Kevin. Leave me alone." Aleks whined. He was in a lot of pain.

"Or what?" Kevin punched Aleks in the chest this time.

     A loud noise was heard, and then Aleks was gasping for air. He was struggling to breathe. Kevin laughed meniacly. He punched him again, and Aleks fell to the floor. He was gasping for air! He turned on his side, and blood was on his lips. Something was wrong. Kevin backed away, he was frightened. He ran.

     The bell rang, but Aleks couldnt get up. He was trying to get enough air, to breathe, but he was going to pass out soon. The pain in his side had increased 10 fold, and he could feel something hot and sticky on his lips.

     A girl walked over to him, and started yelling for help. Aleks heard lots of noise, but his vision blurred, and he passed out.

~Okay, bring on the hate. I know I know it was bad!!!! I had a hard time writing this chapter!!! Im so sorry it had to end that way, but Im not sorry, at the same time. Sorry, not sorry. Dont forget to vote :/


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