Chapter 4: Sibling Bond

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I opened my eyes as night was falling. My stomach rumbled from hunger. I looked outside the cave and heard some voices calling out to me.


"Where are you?!" It was Sunflare and Moonlight. They were coming after me even after I told Moonlight I didn't want to be part of the Clans anymore.

"Frostmeadow, please come home. Jayheart is worried. He blamed himself..." Moonlight muttered right outside of the cave. I could see her silver pelt glimmering in the moonlight.

"She doesn't want to be found Moonlight. Maybe we should just let her be. Frostmeadow has always done things her own way." Sunflare stated. How orange pelt glowing brightly.

"She's our sister, you think this is what mom and dad would have wanted for us?!" She hissed sharply. I flinched a little.


"Sunflare we will keep looking until we find her!" I sighed and padded towards the entrance to the cave.

"What are you going to do? Drag me back to Seaclan?" I asked sharply as I stepped into the moonlight.

"Frostmeadow..." Sunflare muttered.

"What's the matter with you Frostmeadow?! Your clan needs you and this is what you do? You run and hide like a coward!" Moonlight yelled.

"You don't know anything about me or Seaclan because you left remember! You both left...I had no one, so don't you dare start to lecture me!" I growled at her. She flinched a little.


"Don't. You don't have any right to call me your sister any more. You should go back to your clans and live the lives you wanted. You're Warriors now, you have to live by that code and that means we can't be friends. We can't be close like we were when we were kids. We can never be the same and that's why I'm leaving. Because I can't do my job if I can't be with the two of you. So go and be the best warriors you can be and let me be. I will find a way to understand everything eventually. Just leave me to my own self. I've always been alone, that will never change." I stated firmly. Moonlight frowned.

"I never meant to make you feel alone..."

"Well you did, when you left and didn't care that you were ripping apart our family." She looked at the ground. She ran off quickly and I saw the glimmer of tears.

"Will you come home?" I sighed and looked at Sunflare.

"Yes..." I padded with him past the Airclan border and back into Seaclan territory. He looked at me gently.

"I never meant for anything bad to happen to you Frostmeadow." I brushed up against him.

"I know Sunflare, I know." We parted ways and I padded to camp. I sensed some cats inside the camp. I padded inside and everyone turned sharply.

"Frostmeadow!" Icepaw rushed up nearly tackling me to the ground.

"Hey Icepaw..." I muttered I saw Jayheart and Snowstar coming out of their dens at the commotion. Jayheart rushed over, but instead of being mad he pressed up against me with happiness in his eyes that I had returned.

"Welcome home." He muttered. I shivered and felt weak from hunger.

"She looks like she's going to kneel over if she doesn't rest so let's get her some food and some water." Icepaw mewed quickly rushing to the fresh kill pile. I sat down and didn't move until she came back with a plump mouse. I devoured it quickly and licked my lips after I was done.

"Why don't you get some rest. I know you must not be feeling well." Snowstar said gently. I followed Jayheart to the Medicine Cat Den. I curled up in my nest and watched as he went to check the storage.

"Jayheart?" I said lightly, he turned to face me. "I'm sorry... I know I probably disappointed you when I ran away." I muttered.

"I was worried and scared. I never once was disappointed in you. I was disappointed in myself I thought I had failed you..." I looked at him shocked.

"No you've been the best mentor ever. I just lost sight of what I was doing...but I know now. That I have to protect my clan in whatever way I can..."

"Thank you Frostmeadow." I passed out quickly as I struggled to hold on to consciousness.

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