S E L E N A || 2

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Selena smiled, she was happy that her mum was backing her up. Her father, Hunter, managed one of the most famous boy bands in the world, Layla was the head stylist for them, their name First Route.

Simon loved how much his Mum shielded him from Megan's nagging lately, ever since she came out, her Mum had felt the need to protect her. But the thing that irritated her was that her transition is the only reason why they are moving from Bristol to London.

Her family were all completely straight and beautiful, Selena Minter was the odd one out, the ugly duckling. She was rare and untouched, not perfect like the others.

Hunter had dark hazel eyes that complimented his award-winning smile, he was tanned and had just the right amount of hair gel. This helped him with the ladies in his younger years, although this also attracted some unwanted attention from men.

Layla had ageless skin, you wouldn't know she was in her forty's. She had fair, blonde hair that reached the bottom of her spine. Her eyes were ocean blue, and big round lips that gave a natural pout. Layla had thought to be a model when she was younger, problem is she was only 5'0. She insists that she wouldn't have been a model, that she always wanted to be a stylist.

Megan took a bit of both. She got all the good features while Selena was left with nothing. She was small like her mother and got all her 'old' designer clothing, which left Selena terribly jealous. She had a mixture of Hunter's and Layla's eyes, giving her a penetrating green. She was tanned, and spotless, with strong cheekbones. Long hair, that seemed to accommodate for every situation, midnight black. Megan's friends would only pray to be as pretty as her, but unfortunately only Megan seemed to be blessed that way.

Selena was sure that it was not possible that her gorgeous parents created her. Her chin, non-existent, her teeth pointy and uneven. Her hair was a dirty blonde, making it look as if she hadn't washed it. Her eyes were a dull chocolate, and didn't enchant you or seduce you. He nose was rounded and plump, not in a good way.

Selena had always been good at one thing though, singing. Her teachers had always praised and marvelled over her voice. It could make you tremble and your eyes weak just by uttering one note. Everyone would remember Selena by her voice, and of course, her transition. She performed in many school productions, bringing tears to the audience.

Selena had always been honest about her gender identity. She had told her parents from a young age that she wanted to be a girl, and she had no problem announcing it to her classmates. But people in Primary School were not so understanding. She knew she just had to wait until high school, where people would be more accepting, she had never been more wrong in her life.

Things got worse when Selena started at Payne Academy.

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