Five ➸ Sandbank

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Everything was so much louder and scarier out in the open. The waves were more real, the darkness felt more empty. Paradox's voice was lost in the howling of the wind every time she tried to scream Warren's name. Water from the rain and the ocean covered the deck, making it incredibly slippery. She was scared to get too near the edge in case she fell into the unforgiving waves.

"Warren!" She yelled one more time, and again the wind whipped the words away. Taking a huge breath, she stepped out from under the canopied open of the stairway she had just come from.

Meanwhile, completely out of her sight, Warren was struggling to bring down one of the boats. The rope was stuck just out of his reach, and he needed to climb to reach it. After making sure the boat he was going to stand on would hold his weight without tipping to the side and making the three piled up lifeboats fall on top of him, he pulled himself up. Thankfully the rope was easy to get off of the object it was stuck to. Just as Warren was jumping down, a huge gust of wind came and forced him to land hard on his side.

"Ow..." He put the palm of his right hand down on the cold, wet deck and pushed himself into a sitting position.

"There you are," a tiny voice said. "Are you okay?"

He turned his head around and saw that the little voice came from Paradox. "Of course I'm okay. Just taking a..." He winced while standing to his feet. "...nap"

"What happened? We don't have much time, Warren." She looked slightly annoyed.

"It was just the wind, I'm fine. Help me with these boats?"

"That's what I came out here for." She grabbed a hold of the side he pointed at her to take.

"On the count of three, lift it up and over, okay?" Warren yelled.

"Got it!" Paradox nodded along with her words, just in case he couldn't hear her.

"One, two, three!"

Paradox's feet began to slip backwards while she lifted the boat, making her panic. She let out a little yelp, but managed to stay holding on until they set the boat on the deck.

Warren walked over to her, breathing heavily. "You good?"

"Of course I am," she replied, every muscle in her upper body paining. "Let's go, we have to get as many of them down as possible."

"I already got three, this one makes four," Warren said.

"Keep... going..."

Aurora was on the verge of leaving Mirage there to die

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Aurora was on the verge of leaving Mirage there to die. The water was above her knees now, making movement incredibly difficult. "Jake, you'd better tell me you're almost done, or so help me..."

"What're you going to do, Aurora? Leave them in here to drown?" He yelled back at her over the wails and screeches of all the prisoners who weren't yet ready to accept their impending deaths.

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