i love you(Crenny

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So I was wondering if you guys like how I mostly do ships and not XREADERS comment if you like it or not

Craig's Pov

Right now, Stan has just sat down at the table our groups share. Cartman counted us and we all looked at him as he cleared his through.

"We have a problem" He simply said and we all nodded "What is it Cartman" Kyle asked him.

"Well, It seems Bradley has been lying to us" Cartman said, we all looked at Bradley.

"What's that?" Bradley asked looking at Cartman weirdly.

"He is Captain Crunch" Everyone besides Kenny I mean I didn't gasp ether.

"That's not a fucking power! He isn't important Why in the fucking world is that a goddamn power, it's a fucking cereal. A power is like Immortality or flying!" I pat Kenny's back.

"Please none of that shits real but Captain Crunch is" Cartman snorted.

Kenny looked at me "Record me Craig" I nod and start recording him, I wish I didn't "try to fucking remember!"


I shut the recording off, It saved to my phone. The bell rang and we all ran out of the Lunch room. Into class

***time skipps###

I'm looking over that footage over and over again, Kenny killed himself. I have my earbuds in so I can hear him and the loud bang. I get off the bus and head home still thinking about Kenny's death. I mubble Kenny's name as I head up to my room. I waved to ruby and let her sit in my room. She took my phone and one of my earbuds.

"Holy shit" She whispered looking at Kenny Killing himself... I slowly fall asleep. No matter how much me and Ruby fight I can't see her cry for anybody. If you didn't know to Karen Ruby is her big sister so that means every funeral Karen attends Ruby goes to.

Time skipsss

I wake up and smile, Kenny can't be dead. It was all a dream. I get ready, brush my hair and teeth. I grab my phone and head down to the busstop. Tweek, Token and Clyde are already there. I wave at them as Tweek shyly waves back and Token smiles while, Clyde nods than goes back to ranging about Bebe and her cheating.

I look at my phone if I still have that video than it's true Kenny is immortal or dead. I go to my gallery and see the video, click on it! I did and watched it a couple of times before putting my phone in my pocket.

The bus pulled up and we all got on. I see Kenny sitting there with his hood up, sitting alone. I go to sit by him and he looks at me like im insane. All I can think about is Kenny is alive and I have video proof of that shit. I pull down his head and see the messy blonde hair, blue eyes and smirk "You want me that much Tucker" I playfully punch him "Shut up, Asshole you can't just die in front of everyone and than come back flirting with everyone" His smile fades than comes back and side hugs me "dude you remember?" he asked and I nod pull out my phone and show him the video proof that he died. We both sit in silence, in till he decided to put his arm around my waist. I look at him and smirk "Get your god damn dirty poor hands off of me" It came out playful, I know. He shrugs "I don't know can I" we do this a couple of more times. Than we get off the bus.

Kenny sat on Craig's bed. Holding the little joy Craig had left in his hand, Stripes. Craig walks in and yawns taking Stripes from Kenny and letting him roam on his bed. Craig tugged on Kenny's jacket. "Fine" it came from Kenny as he took off his jacket. Craig put it on, its big in him but, That's why Kenny loved Craig. Craig didn't know when he was being cute or bitchy(666). Kenny got up and turned the light off and laid next to a halfway sleeping Craig.

"I love you Tucker"

"I love you too McCordick."

(Thaks guys and stuff for the reads and comments always make my day!"

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