Chapter 3: Always Reasons

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Here is the thing about Parties.

People only go for one of three reasons. To get drunk. To get laid. Or you're the designated driver. No one ever goes just for the sake of going. There is always a reason. Much like everything else in life. No matter what you do there is always a reason for your actions, whether they are good or bad.


Ruby and I are swarmed with warm bodies as we enter the house. Having to zig-zag through the masses to find our way to the kitchen.

"Rum and coke?" Ruby asks.

I nod, "Of course."

Ruby hands me my rum and coke and I take a sip as she pulls a beer from the fridge.

"This is different to the parties we have back home," I comment.

"Sure is, so much many hot gods."

I look over to Ruby whose eyes are bulging out of her head.

I roll my eyes.


Fuck where are you Ruby?

"Hey, you okay there Princess?" A deep voice protrudes of the music behind me.

I turn to see one the gods Ruby was talking about earlier.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just lost my friend," I answer.

He steps closer.

"I can help you look for her if you like?"

"I'm sure she'll be along soon."

He takes another step closer.

"She could be upstairs, we could look in one of the rooms," He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Sorry but you're not really my type."

Who was I kidding? Of course he was my type!

He is handsome standing there with his messy brow hair, strong jaw set and deep brown eyes that seemed to melt my heart right under his intense stare. Not to mention that he's wearing a tight fitting black t-shirt revealing many tattoos that wrapped around his arm, dark wash jeans and black vans. But there was something that made me feel a little uneasy about him. His piercing stare and the cold smirk he wore on his face, clearly set of warning bells. There was something under his surface that I couldn't put my finger on but it sure was dark and definitely something to be afraid of.

"Done checking me out?" He asks.

"I wasn't checking you out. Like I said you're not my type," I reply.

"Mmm, I call bullshit," He steps closer.

He was now inches away from my face.

"I wonder what it would feel like to kiss you," He whispers sending shivers down my back.

This can't happen. I won't let it.

But before I can do anything about it, he steps away.

"Trent," He sticks his hand out.

I look at it for a moment before grasping it, "Bella."

"It's nice to meet you Bella," He smirks before turning around and dragging me along with him.

"Where the fuck are we going?" I yell over the music.

I was greeted by silence.

The next thing I know I'm on the dance floor. Or what we like to call the living room in normal day occurrences.

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