The Real Angels

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"Bro, I can't remember when I've seen a cuter sight."

"Yeah, it's definitely a Kodak moment."

"He's going to be too stiff to move if he slept like that all night."

"Maybe we should wake him, although I don't really wanna end the moment."

"Use your funny voice Deji!

"JJ, if I find out you're to blame for these constant orders..."

"Boys, you want to shout a little louder?" Simon peeled one blue, bloodshot eye open and used it to glare at the three men and Tobi standing at the foot of the bed. Four broad smiles beamed back at him.

"Hey Mr. Simon, you're not so scary anymore."

"So I've noticed." Simon corrected his count to five as he finally spotted Ethan peeking out from behind JJ's legs. The child had been cleaned up and looked like any other seven-year-old. Definitely on the small side, both he and Josh were but that was due to poor nutrition; that was why they'd assumed him to be younger than he was. Simon wondered what strings had been pulled to allow him to visit Josh. No doubt the social worker was waiting out in the main area.

Moving a fraction of an inch at a time, Simon began the painful process of straightening out his body, which felt like it was made of wood. Very stiff, very painful. He was still trying to get his neck to turn to the left when Dr. Gamble entered the crowded room.

"Well, looks like I arrived just in time." James held out a small paper cup to the suffering young man. "Muscle relaxers. Just what the doctor ordered."

Simon growled his thanks as he finally made it to his feet.

James introduced himself to the new arrivals and shook everyone's hand, including Ethan's.

"Are you a real doctor? Why aren't you wearing a white coat? Can you make animals better as well as people? Could you fix a horse if it broke it's leg? Mr. Simon's got horses and I'm gonna get to ride 'em cause I'm staying with him and JJ, that's his boyfriend, cause I'm a...uh...a ter-ial witness and they've adopted Tobi so they're allowed to look after me. Are you gonna make Josh better now so he can come riding too?"

While Dr. Gamble answered the barrage of questions, Simon pulled JJ to one side.

"Material witness? When the fuck did that happen? Since when did we agree bringing the kid to our house? Did you even think about Tobi?" Simon fought to keep his voice down but the other men either heard or were clearly expecting such a reaction. As JJ tried to justify his actions, Deji and Cal began making a big show of arranging the balloons and presents that had been purchased in the hospital gift shop.

It was Tobi that saved JJ from the interrogation when he managed to interrupt Ethan long enough to ask his own questions regarding the sleeping patient.

Everyone turned their attention to the doctor who looked at the chart in his hands.

"From what my nurses reported during the night I'd say Josh should make a full recovery. Provided," James held up a hand to hold off the premature cheers. "Provided he does not catch a viral infection due to his weakened immune system. The next few days are critical. He needs plenty of rest and nourishment."

"How long?" Simon moved to stand next to the bed.

"Hard to say. I'm going to keep him on fluids today and if he handles those alright, we'll try soft foods tomorrow. A lot of it depends on Josh."

"On Josh?"

James spoke loud enough for everyone to hear but his gaze was focused on Simon. "He has to want to get well. Hope can mean a great deal to a child. Especially to one who hasn't had any in a long time."

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