Chapter 12 - Regrets

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Third Person P.O.V

In Fairy Tail guild, there is a somewhat-grim atmosphere added the silence hovering inside the hall.

"What are we gonna do? We can't possibly remain quietly and wait for him to come. We need to save Lucy!" Natsu said in a irritated voice. Everyone looked lost for words and remained silent.

"Our bet right now is to stay here and wait for (Y/A) to come back." Erza looked calm, but unknown them is that she is clenching her fists. Natsu was about to speak again when Makarov sighed loudly.

"You all probably have the right to know everything." Makarov frowned and let out a big sigh.

"First thing's first, Lumen Histoire. Some of you might already know that it IS our most powerful weapon. It's power rivals with the Etherion. Basically, it's almost enough to destroy a continent." everyone were tongue tied as to how they should react.

"Next is about (Y/A)." He looked directly at Natsu. "He is not who we think he is."

"We already know that he's a TRAITOR." Laxus said emphasizing the word traitor.

"Not that." Makarov averted his gaze unto the floor.

"What do you mean, Master?" Erza asked.

"(Y/A) is (Y/N)." Everyone were dumbfounded to what they've heard.

"But, how?" Natsu asked.

"He didn't deny it when I asked him." Makarov replied.

"What!? But, Master you said th-" before Natsu could even finish his question, he was cut off by Makarov.

"I had my doubts. But, I didn't know that they'd be true." Makarov gave Natsu a serious look.

Natsu's anger has diminished, but is replaced with frustration.

"What do we do now?" Natsu tried to ask calmly. Master paused to think before he replied.

"We'll do what Erza suggested. We can't do anything even if we started searching for them."

Natsu clenched his fist and bit his lip. He broke a table trying to ease his anger. "Goddamit!" He shouted frustratedly. "Lucy.." He mumbled.

'Why are you doing this, (Y/N)? Is this the consequences of what I did? Does it really have to go this far? Why Lucy? Why not me? I'm the reason why you're doing all of this, right?' Natsu said to himself as he scratched his head.

"What if he doesn't come? What do we do?" Laxus asked.

"We search for them." Makarov replied. Levy raised her hand, which Makarov noticed and signaled her to stand up and speak.

"Master, you were kidnapped by (Y/N) before right?" Makarov nodded. "If that's the case, you might know where (Y/N) is staying."

"That's true. He might not be there, but it's worth the shot." Everyone nodded. "Gajeel and Levy, I want you two to check if they're in the apartment that I was held in last time. Raijinshuu, please accompany the two incase you encounter (Y/N) and can't avoid battle." Makarov ordered. Natsu and his group stood up.

"Master! We will come too." They said as they ready themselves. Again, Makarov let out a sigh.

"I want you guys to stay here. You guys will wait with me until (Y/N) comes." Makarov firmly said.

"But, Maste-" Makarov looked at them again. He gazed at them to be exact, but Natsu couldn't stop fidgeting around as the team set to save Lucy went off.

"Trust your friends, Natsu." He said which made Natsu stop. "You trust them, do you?" as Makarov tapped Natsu in the shoulder.

"I do, Master." Natsu let out a smile and calmly waited.

'Hang on, Lucy. If you dare hurt Lucy, I won't hesitate to hurt you, (Y/N)' Natsu said to himself.

Lucy's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of someone sobbing. I opened my eyes to look around, but it was too dark to see anything. I let out a groan and tried to move my body, but I soon realized that I was tied up with a rope. I carefully tried to sit straight up, when I felt a presence behind me. I turned around slowly to see someone staring at me. The light from the sky shined through the window and made it more clear who was staring at me.

It was (Y/A).

But, something seemed off. He didn't look threatening at all. If anything, I pitied his expression. He stared at me with eyes full of emotions. I then saw (Y/A)'s eyes watering, which followed by his tears rolling down his face. He lightly caress his face and looked at his hands full of his tears. It was as if he just realized that he was crying.

(Y/A) held both of my shoulders, which made me nervous for a moment. The next thing that came out of his mouth was more surprising.

"Help me, Lucy!" He said sobbing. Is this really (Y/A)? His voice changed? It sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger into it. He removed both of his hands from my shoulder and stood there.

He closed his eyes and that's where things started to get more confusing to me. He looked like (Y/N). Or would it be more accurate to say that he is (Y/N)? I don't know. Everything happened to fast. I averted my gaze, but I directed it again to him when he spoke.

"It's me, Lucy." He said as tears were still flowing down his cheeks.

"H-huh?" I stutteringly huh-ed as I couldn't really understand.

"I'm (Y/N)."

"(Y)-(Y/N)?!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Now I could confirm my doubts. Although, he looked different at the start. He did have some resemblance to when I last saw him. I was about to ask (Y/N) something when he hugged me tightly and started crying harder.

"Forgive me, Lucy. Please. I didn't want things to get this far!" He said, which made things confusing again. I couldn't do anything, but listen to him cry.

"Forgive me." He muttered as he stood up with a face of full of tears.

He aimed his palms at me. Dark Magic started charging in his palm.

"(Y/N)?" I asked monotonously.

"Forgive me, Lucy!" as he closed his eyes.

Is this the end for me?

Maybe it is.


Sorry, I updated later than how I usually update. The reason is that the draft that I had for this chapter wouldn't open. It kept saying "file corrupted", hence I had to redo everything again. I couldn't remember everything by verbatim which is the sad part. The good part is it gave me a chance to think what to add in this chapter. So in all fairness, it's all good.

Have fun reading this chapter!

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Happy Reading! 🍷

- Junho

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