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"Kyle, Kyle, oh my God, Kyle, we're getting signed!" Dan grins the next evening as they stand at the edge of the pier, the setting sun casting a light pink across the sky. "We're actually getting signed to a real record label, Kyle! It's happening!" 

Kyle can only grin with him, embracing his boyfriend's enthusiasm. "We might be, Dan." He tells him with a laugh, "Let the man speak to his manager before you start getting excited like this." 

"I don't care!" Dan flies into Kyle's arms, holding him tightly. His hands curl the other boy's shirt up in his palms. Kyle, being just that bit taller than Dan, wraps him up in a bear hug. "But I can't help it! This is everything I've wanted recently, Ky, and I wouldn't have got anywhere without you."

Dan pulls away from the hug and rises slightly, putting his hands on either side of Kyle's face in order to kiss him. Kyle's arms stay wrapped around his back, and he loves it. The excitement that flows through Dan's being is indescribable, and the feeling he got when he was able to imagine himself stood in front of hundreds of people, playing sold out shows only spurred him on and encouraged him to put his best effort into the show- and he's so, so glad he did. He's proud of himself, and that's something he feels he hasn't felt in a long, long time. 

Kyle smiles as Dan pushes his face against his chest once more, cheeks becoming a slight pink. He still can't get over what they did backstage of the venue they played at last night- well, he's not complaining. It was quite the adventure.

"I'm so excited! I can see this happening, Ky, I really can!" 

Will is confused a week later when he gets a phone call from Dan. There is something strange in his voice as he asks him to bring Woody and meet him by the pier- it sounds almost like he's been crying.

So, with Woody sat in the passenger seat of the car, they rush down the country lanes that connect the two places and into Dan and Kyle's small village, which he has taken quite a liking to. It's a calm place, small and quiet. Will likes places like those.

They expect to find Dan stood with Kyle at the end of the pier, but he's not. A quick look of worry is exchanged before they leave the car and begin to walk to the boy.

"Woody, Will?" A familiar voice asks, panting heavily. "What are you two doing here?" 

Kyle bends over and releases a huff, clearly just having sprinted the way here. Another look of worry is exchanged.

"Dan called us," Will answers with confusion evident in his voice, "Did he call you? He sounded upset." 

Kyle nods, gaining his breath back, "Yeah, me too," the three look to the boy who is hunched over the barrier at the end of the pier before they walk towards him. He has the hood to his grey hoodie pulled over his head, and his denim jacket on. 

"Dan?" Kyle calls him over the slightly blowing wind, "What's up?" He doesn't manage to catch Dan's attention, so they just walk closer. "Dan?" 

Dan hangs his head, wiping his face with the palm of his hand. There's only a light shower of rain, but it looks as though there are tears on his face.

"What's up?" Woody asks him with concern in his words. He steps towards Dan, but he shakes his head. 

"I-I got the phone call," he mumbles, sadness, almost shame in his voice. The three men's hearts immediately drop- well, being so young it's not as though they ever stood a chance.

"...And?" Kyle pushes on, hoping, praying that he's not going to say it...

Dan lifts his head, looking towards them. "We got it. They signed us," there is a mischevious grin on his face now, light in his eyes. 

"You bloody idiot! I thought something was seriously wrong, then!" Kyle says, shaking his head. He wants to be angry at Dan for a moment- but God knows he can't. He wraps his arms around Dan once more.

"Woah..." Will mumbles in awe as the other two have a moment, "I'm in a band." 

"This is so awesome!" Woody agrees, a look of excitement equaling Dan's on his face. "Jesus Christ, Will! We could be playing all over the world this time in five years!" 

The four of them come together in some sort of strange hug. They're so excited for what the future may bring- Woody is optimistic about the future, Will is relieved that maybe he won't be homeless at thirty like he expected, Kyle is happy he gets to spend the rest of his career with Dan, and Dan is just amazed. There's a sense of meaning that sits with them now, and they love it.

"The only way is up, lads," Woody tells them with a grin.

Swings And Waterslides //Dyle//Where stories live. Discover now