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•rewrite 1•

14 months, 16 days later...June 23rd 2016

We don't talk about that day. Not the teachers. Not the police. Not Alex's family. Not even Danny.

No one talks about it but everyone thinks about it.

We silently became one another's protection. We looked out for each other, he held my frail body when no one could touch me. He watched me everyday, like I was fragile china, chipping with every step, just waiting to break. He answered my 3 AM calls and in return I answered his, nursed him as best I could back to health; the broken ribs we couldn't help, but the mental wounds slowly mended, and we healed together; it was like our fibres were fusing together, we could feel the other's emotions, hear their thoughts, sense their presence in any room.

Spending all your days with a sweet, handsome boy does things to the tender heart of a silly girl.


"Congratulations year elevens, you made it! For many of you, this will be your last day in this school, but for those of you who are staying, you made the right choice! This next step is a hard one, and life is no walk in the park but this transition is harder than you think it will be. So good luck, keep in touch with each other, and remember you are always welcome here at Bradford academy." Mrs Taylor exclaims, ending her torturous hour long assembly, earning an eye roll from Carmen whose sat to my right.
"Girl, if she tells me one more time I'm always 'welcome at Bradford academy' I'll just set up a tent and bloody live here." Jinx whispers to Carmen and me, leaning forward from behind us, earning a snort from me and a chuckle from Carmen.
A strong hand apprehensively grazes my left thigh, then with more assertive confidence rests its palm on my leg, sending sparks and shivers up my spine. A smile plays in my lips, and I have to resist the urge to melt at his touch.

Poor KC, I can't let this go on for much longer, it's not fair on him.

As if he read my mind, KC turns around in front of us and batters his gorgeously thick eyelashes at Danny, and cheekily smiles at me before turning around again, seemingly ignoring Danny's safe grip on my leg. Carmen nudges me me with her elbow, and leans close to me.
"I get you both like Danny, but Hun, make a move already, Danny won't do it, he thinks you're too precious. But for yours and KC's sake, make a move or KC will be unintentionally rebuffed and you know how sensitive he is. Everyone can see you and Danny are totally made for each other." My stomach does cartwheels at this revelation, for surely if Carmen has cottoned on to my feelings then everyone has. A light giggle appears in between Carmen and me, coming from Jinx. I turn to her and raise my right eyebrow, a skill only I possess within our little group of friends. It also annoys the hell out of Jinx.
"Don't you raise you beautifully fleeky eyebrow at me lady, I have an input in Carmen's statement," she pauses for effect, ever the drama enthusiast. Both Carmen and I look at her, urging her to go on.
"Everywhere you go, he goes, everyone knows it. Everyone knows you two are inseparable and matured together. You're an unofficial IT couple. I heard some of the year sevens, you know the girl with the pretty hair and Instagram worthy eyeliner, saying that you were their OTP and you two look so cute when you accidentally match outfits. Oh and they wanted to know what lipstick it is you wear so I told them you use pigs blood." Chuckling at the end of her tale and earning a tut from Carmen, Jinx shrugs her shoulders and winks at me.
For months the duo have been urging me to get with Danny. For months I've backed out of it. We're best friends, if we got together then broke up, it would be like losing two significant people in my life, and I'm not sure I can cope with losing Danny, we're each other's rock.
"Fine, we'll see what happens tonight at Sarah's." I huff, giving in. I mean let's face it, if nothing happens then we'll be stuck in this awkward stage where we aren't together but are kinda but aren't... it's a confusing stage to be in.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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