6. Dragon Riding

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6. Dragon Riding

"So pick which dragon you wanna take a spin on." Astrid said gesturing to the six dragons all lined up in front of Moana. "But I suggest you do not take Hookfang or Barf and Belch.

"Who would you suggest?" Moana asked her.

"Maybe Meatlug since she's nice and slow and pretty easy to fly on."

"Alright, I'll go on her then."

The other dragons shuffled away as Moana approached them and placed a hand on Meatlug's snout. The Gronckle grunted happily and nuzzled Moana's hand before turning sideways so she could climb on.

The gang watched as Moana attempted to climb up on the saddle but kept slipping off.

"Do you need any help?" Eret asked, stepping forward to help her but she just waved him off.

"Just give her a few minutes to climb on." Maui said as Meatlug sat down to make it easier for Moana to climb on.

"I think I got it!" She yelled as she managed to climb up onto the saddle and sit down. "Ha! See I didn't need any help!"

"Okay now you should try holding on really tightly because you might fall off when she lifts off from the ground." Fishlegs instructed as Moana made herself comfortable on the saddle.

Moana held on tightly as Meatlug lifted off the floor. She gripped on tightly till her knuckles were white.

"Moana are you okay?" Hiccup asked, noticing her nervous face.

"I'm fine!" She yelled gripping on tighter. "Just fine!"

Meatlug growled in concern, sensing her agitation before lowering herself onto the floor.

"Moana are you sure?" Maui asked hurrying over to help her off. "Because you were looking scared!"

"I'm fine!" Moana yelled and folded her arms over her chest stubbornly.

"Okay maybe you should get used to riding on a dragon, but on the ground." Hiccup suggested as Moana hopped off. "Best dragon to do that on would be a Rumblehorn. Eret, would you mind?"

"No problem, chief." Eret said gesturing for his dragon to come over.

"No, I'll try riding in the air again." Moana insisted. "But I'll do it on Meatlug."

Meatlug got to her feet and started to hover in the air again before moving forward. Moana held on tightly, but with a determined look plastered on her face. She held on as Meatlug took a slow lap around the arena before coming to a stop.

"There! I did it!" Moana yelled as she attempted to dismount.

"Well that wasn't so bad, plus Meatlug wasn't so high off the floor." Hiccup said giving her a thumbs up.

Moana grinned at them as she managed to get to the floor and braced herself against Meatlug.

"You okay?" Maui asked.

"Yeah...my knees are just a little shaky." She admitted. "But I'll be fine."

"Well get used to it, soon you'll be hopping off your own dragon after all this training." Astrid said. "And speaking of which, it's time we figured out what dragon to get you."

A/N: So what dragon do you think suits Moana best? Comment below to let me know!

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