The Last Dance (23)

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First of all I want to give a big thank you to all my news fans and of course all my old ones for all your comments and votes and support =) 

I'm honestly soo amazed, back when I started this story I only had like 20 people reading it and now I'm getting in the 300 for every chapter. Just wow! Thank you =)

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I spread a blanket on the ground and wrapped another one around me before settling down. John lay down on his stomach and propped himself up with his elbows staring off into the dark. It bugged me how quiet he'd been all day, save for the few words he'd said earlier. Only this morning he was teasing my about my clothes and from then on, utter silence.  

"Why so quiet?" I ventured to ask. I was going crazy with curiosity, and despite how tired I felt, I knew I couldn't sleep without knowing.  

"Hmmm... oh just... thinking..." He said distractedly. I debated whether or not to prod further when he turned to me, suddenly focused. 


Chapter 23 - Confessions

"How is it that we've known each other forever and yet know nothing about each other?"

Well, that certainly wasn't what I was expecting.

I wasn't sure if he was serious or just trying to distract me from my previous question. Well, if he didn't want to talk about it I wouldn't force him, I guess it was personal. I gave him a half smile.

"Speak for yourself, I know plenty about you."

He looked genuinely surprised. "You do?" He asked sceptically.

I nodded.

"Like what?"

"I don't know lots of things." I tried shrugging but it was hard to do while lying down.

"What's my favourite color?" He asked immediately.

"Dark green" I said confidently.

"Favourite weapon to use?"

"Archery, when mounted" I recited.

He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it and frowned. "Well, anyone could figure those out" He said grumpily.

I smiled "You think you have to be perfect for people to respect you, you resent the fact that your friends go easy on you, you don't trust people easily, you're afraid of being a failure, you used to think the castle was haunted, you stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves, but always privately, and sometimes you do nice things for people for no reason without expecting anything in return and even without them knowing it was you."

I said the last point quietly, more to myself than for him to hear, even though he must have in the silence of the forest. I fingered the glittering bracelet on my wrist, a constant reminder of the very quality I'd just described.

"Shall I go on?"

I turned to face him, only to see that his jaw was hanging open in shock.

He looked stunned; at a complete loss for words. Was he really that surprised? I hid a smile but knew I wasn't succeeding.

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