37.5: Seth- Whiplash

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forces within

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forces within


MY COMPUTER WAS in the middle of a meltdown when Ellie called me. I contemplated whether or not I should answer, but I knew it would be better to get the conversation out of the way for now.

"Hey, can I call you back later? My computer is glitching, and I have an assignment due soon." I tried to balance my phone on my shoulder as I spoke into the receiver. It didn't help that my sense of balance was shit so, shortly after, it tumbled to the floor. Thank God I had carpet or else the screen could've cracked. "Fuck."

"Seth?" I heard Ellie's voice as I crouched to pick it up. "It's important, please."

"What's wrong?" This time I put her on speaker while I aggressively pressed the space bar trying to unfreeze my screen. It seemed to only worsen it. "I can talk for a few minutes."

"Something happened to Enzo," Ellie replied, I could detect a slight shake in her voice like she was trying to compose herself. "His brother is here too."

"What do you mean?" I turn up the call volume. "Why is Sebastian here?"

"He..." Ellie became quiet, her reluctance to tell me was evident. "He told us Enzo got taken by these guys from your hometown. Apparently, they've been after them for a while."

"Fuck," I felt my heart drop. Enzo and I weren't necessarily as close as he and Fletcher were, but the three of us have been friends for a long time. I knew what she was referring to because Enzo broke down in front of us about it after he came over when my parents weren't home.

It was a rainy day when the incident occurred. I was getting ready to turn on my game console when Enzo threw a pebble at my window. That was usually his greeting whenever he came over after his curfew. Once, he almost shattered the window because he was practicing his pitch to get on the baseball team. It was the summer before junior year and it was our tradition of staying the night at my house and playing video games all night as we drank from a bottle of whiskey we stole from my dad's liquor cabinet.

Fletcher arrived about two hours ago. When he came in, his dad said something from the car in French in a serious tone. My knowledge in French really comprised the one year of French I ended up taking since I forgot to hand in my elective forms on time.

"What did he say?" I asked him, closing the front door. "Also, Enzo texted me saying he's probably not coming. He said something, came up with his dad."

"Nothing of importance," Fletcher waved it off. His smile was fake, but I knew not to press further. "You think he'll sneak out? Enzo isn't the type to miss our thing."

"Thing?" I rolled my eyes. "Couldn't you have come up with a better name?"

"Whatever," he walked straight to the pantry, pulling out a bag of chips from the shelf. "We can wait for him for like two hours, watch a movie in the meantime. I bet he'll come by then."

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