Hogwarts Restored

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Harry sat down on the bench seat of their compartment nonchalantly, Hermione and Ron still waving out the window to Mr and Mrs Weasley getting smaller and smaller in the distance. Harry watched as Ginny entered the compartment to ask Ron for some money for when the trolley lady does her rounds later. Harry ended up throwing a galleon at her when she started to argue with her older brother, this seemed to satisfy her and she headed off to her friends.

"It's going to be weird not having to deal some life threatening complication this year," Ron mused earning him a glare from his girlfriend for his bad grammar. Harry just grunted in reply.

The three didn't say much during the trip. Neville Longbottom showed up at their compartment and caught up with them for a little while and Luna Lovegood tagged along too. Ernie Macmillan and Justin Finch-Fletchley said hello hand in hand which made Ron raise his eyebrows earning a jab in the side from Hermione. By the time the train screams to a halt they had met seven other eighth years returning to retake their N.E.W.T year.

As soon as Harry stepped onto the platform, a wave of happiness mixed with dread filled his stomach.

"Firs' years over here, come on don't be shy," the familiar voice made Harry's head snap up and a smile ghost over his lips as his eyes landed on the tall figure of Rubeus Hagrid, the gamekeeper at Hogwarts. Hagrid saw the three students and gave them a wave before going beck to rounding up all the frightened first years.

"There's quite a few of them this year," Hermione observed as they head toward the carriages with the other students.

"I guess some parents didn't want to send them last year with Snape in control," Ron shrugged his shoulders, watching as they all gawped up at Hagrid and head in the opposite direction to the boats.

As expected both Ron and Hermione jump back (with a small squeal on Ron's side) as the black leathery Thestrals came into view. Harry heard Hermione muttering under her breath about how fascinating they were but he chose to ignore her.

The trio managed to ride up to the castle in their own carriage. As they poked their heads out the window they caught sight of the grand castle they would be spending one last year.

The Great Hall of course, had been returned to its former glory over the summer. The night sky projected on the ceiling was clear and you could see all the shimmering stars in the heavens. The floating candles swayed gently out of reach as mischevious students tried to jump up and touch them. The four house tables stood proudly with individual coloured table runners continuing down the impossibly long tables.

The only difference Harry noticed as he took a seat is under each of the house banners adorning the stone wall is a gold plaque with names written underneath the tapestries and Harry didn't need to look for very long to guess what they were for. The students who gave their lives in the war. Harry's stomach wanted to run across the room and drown itself in the black lake.

You caused this you know, a voice inside his head growled. He noticed that under the Slytherin banner only one name is present, he isn't sure how he felt about this. It turned out a lot of students were observing the newest addition to the Great Hall as it took Professor McGonagall three attempts of clearing out her throat to get everybody's attention.

"Welcome students to what hopefully will be a more calm year," she said with a weak smile, evidently trying to lighten the mood. "We have repaired all the damaged to the building around us but it will take much more time and patience to repair the damage in our hearts. But know we enter a new year, let's get on with the sorting." McGonagall clapped and the ornate doors swung open again and a group of eleven-year-olds led by Professor Sprout entered the hall walking between the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw tables.

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