Chapter 3

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Marilyn Manson - Killing Strangers


"Please, no! I'll give you whatever you want! I have plenty of money!" He put his hands up in defense, taking a step back.

I didn't say anything, and just stared at him.

"Is that what you want? I can give it to you!" He looked like an idiot, standing in nothing but his boxers. He was pretty hairy, too.

"I don't need your fucking money," I finally said. I smiled and shoved him into the bathroom hard.

He fell into the tub, hitting his head on the wall behind him. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and I turned the bath water on, putting the stopper in the drain quickly.

In about a half a minute, he slowly gained consciousness again and woke up, realizing what I was doing. Before he could get out of the tub, I was on top of him in a flash.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, not squeezing hard enough to stop him from breathing, but enough so that air bubbles came from his mouth as water flowed over his head. His arms and legs flailed, and he tried to grab onto me, but I only squeezed harder.

His arm reached out and I felt his nail dig into the skin above my eyebrow. I squeezed harder, ignoring the stinging feeling.

My heart pounded in my ears, and I felt my pupils go wide as I strangled him. I was seeing red.

His body thrashed, and waves of water splashed me. Water was getting everywhere.

After a minute, he slowly stopped flailing and I saw the color drain from his face eventually.

My breathing was hard and shallow, and adrenaline rushed through me. I let go of his neck, seeing the blue marks I left around his throat. His eyes were open, staring at me.

I stood up and took a deep breath, drying my hands on my jeans, which were already wet. I leaned over and turned off the water that was still running.

His foot was hanging over the edge of the tub.

I went up to the sink and washed my hands, looking at myself in the mirror.

I looked crazed, my skin extremely pale and my eyes still a shade of black. The cut on my forehead looked deep, and a small line of blood ran down my temple. Ignoring it, I sighed and put my hands on the counter to steady myself for a minute. I clenched my jaw, and felt a presence next to me.


"Hello, handsome," she sang, tapping her long fingers up to my neck. I turned to face her so she'd stop touching me.

She smiled, her white teeth flashing. She flicked her blonde hair behind her back, and took another step into the bathroom to look at the damage. Her hair dragged behind her, just touching her ankles.

Her eyes lit up when she saw the body. "Ooh." She paused and leaned over the tub. "I thought he would be cuter." She shrugged, and his body vanished from the tub. "That's what you get for cheating," she sneered.

I rolled my eyes and ran a hand through my hair.

"What?" She looked at me.

"Nothing," I muttered. She just stood there and stared at me.

"We done here? I got somewhere to be," I said coldly.

"No, you don't," she smiled, taking a step towards me. "You just don't know what to do with me if we're alone." She looked me up and down with a lustful glint in her eyes and grinned.

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