7: Beaten; Bloodied

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THERE'S AN IMPORTANT A/N AT THE END. PLEASE READ. And if you can, cooperate too, okay? Thank you. *send virtual hug*


7: Beaten; Bloodied


My eyes opened once again, albeit with a little bit force. How long had I been out..? It was already night, and fear had creeped into my being, scaring me out of my wits.

Where are those two when I need them? Sure, I know it was my fault to begin with, but surely they noticed something? Especially Aomine. I felt something rising in my throat, itching to get out.

"Urgh!" I choked out, coughing again. They retreated, leaving me alone there. My breaths were ragged, and I kept coughing. Some of them spat out blood.

Vibrations from my phone bore a hole through my jeans at the back of my pocket, and I wiggled it out. My phone fell, vibrating away. The continuous vibrations told me that someone was calling.


Despite the pained protests of my legs, I slipped it off my sneakers and was about to slide the screen with my big toe when I heard the door burst open. Two figures bursted out of it, and stopped when they saw me. I desperately moved back, digging my skin onto the pole. The coldness of it stung my fresh bruises, but I don't care.

Right now, I felt the need to jump off the building. Even if it meant killing me. I just don't wanna see any of those guys.

"No.. Don't come near, you bastards!" I screamed, but it was too late. They had started running.




Kaecchi, Kaede..?

My mind racked for any recognition. Just then, the two figures approached, and I caught a glimpse of dark blue and yellow hair.

Aomine and.. Kise?

"Oh my god!" Kise started untying the ropes as soon as I was within his reach. I didn't talk, I just stared up at Aomine. He stared back, thousands of emotions swimming through his eyes. I cowered, looking away. It felt like an eternity, but Kise finally managed to untie the ropes.

I then felt arms circling the back of my knees and my back, pulling me into warmth. I didn't have the strength left, so I didn't really get to see who carried me. Not that I cared. My hands were limp by my side, and I closed my eyes.

"Hang in there.." The deep baritone whispered against my ear, and that was the last sentence before I blacked out once again.


✯ Aomine Daiki ✯

Shit, shit, shit.

I rolled around my bed, my singlet stuck to my skin with my sweat being the glue. There's this gut feeling inside me, repeatedly telling me that something is wrong. Something just is.

My hands raked through my hair, my eyes set onto the fallen clothes on her floor. My mind instantly made a flashback to when she undressed in front of me. Wow, she was bold in doing that. I could see her damned hips...

Goddamnit Aomine, stop drooling over her body! You need to start worrying about her! It's already past curfew! Groaning, I pushed myself off the bed and trotted towards her clothes. At this rate, I won't be able to keep my promise!

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