13- How You Doing?

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A/N Just a little something to satisfy all you begging for updates until the real drama begins ;)

As Joey burst through the door, I couldn’t help but to wonder how I never noticed his feelings for me before. The look on his face was pure worry, concern that went beyond simple friendship; I had to have been an idiot not to have seen...or a homophobic jerk. Unfortunately I was both.

“WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?” He screamed as I groaned, watching as he rushed forward, immediately giving me a pat down. Behind him stood a smiling Chase and off to the side a very confused Mason, who didn’t understand this overly dramatic reaction to a split lip and a black eye.

I however did, since this was not the first time it had happened...and it wouldn’t be the last.

“Jesus, you look terrible” cooed Joey as he bit his lip, he looked so cute, like a puppy, as he ran his hands over my body trying to find any other injuries, and hitting the jackpot when I whimpered. “Lift it up” he commanded, as I obeyed tentatively lifting the shirt, revealing a sight that wiped Chase’s smirk clear away, and had Mason gasping as he came forward.

“Is it really that bad?” I questioned, looking between the three of them as they nodded.

“And again, I ask what the hell happened!?”

Sigh “I got hit” obviously...

“It was Jared” added Mason to Chase, who nodded in comprehension.

“Uh...who’s Jared?” interjected Joey looking very confused and slightly pissed.

I always forgot how mad he got when I forgot to tell him something, he hated being left in the dark, probably because when he was younger he suffered from a mild form of aspergers and didn’t usually pick up social cues. He grew up not understanding the punch line to any joke, or the subtle flirts the girl next door would send his way...he didn’t understand the world around him. Which I at times would envy, it was like he was stuck as a child in a fairytale land, he didn’t see the bad; to him the world was a perfect place.

“Who’s Jared?” He repeated.

“Matthew’s brother...” I answered regretfully.

He nodded his head, knowing that this time the fight had been my fault, the wounds well deserved.

He backed away.

I felt rejected.

I shouldn’t have, he was just a friend, and no matter how long we had known each other, it would still be unfair to expect him to be on my side after what I had done. It was a miracle in itself that he stayed my friend despite my crime...or maybe not a miracle maybe it was something much simpler. Love or like. Whichever it was it kept him here with me...but now he was backing off, leaving me to recover on my own for once. It stung, more than the cuts, I felt abandoned even though I shouldn’t have.

I guess I relied too much on him.

“So....this is awkward” commented Chase.

I laughed “Trust me, it has been worse” and that was all it took for the tension to diffuse, we were suddenly all laughing each remembering our own awkward moments.

In my life, there had been many.

“So...what do you say we go back to the party?” Suggested Chase, to which we all nodded.

As we left through the door I caught a glimpse of Joey checking out Chase, and I smiled despite myself. I wanted him to get with someone, even if that someone was a guy. He was my best friend after all, and I wanted him to be happy...even if it went against what I believed. Not that I knew what to believe anymore.

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