Story #1 Valentine💝

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Valentine's Day~~~~

Hoshi: Hey Wonwoo
Wonwoo: Yeah?
Hoshi: What day is it today
Wonwoo: February 14, why?
Hoshi: Hoshit its Valentine's Day hoshi hoshit HOSHIT!!!! I forgot to get woozi a gift today ahh
Wonwoo thought to himself Valentine's Day?
Wonwoo: Is Valentine's Day and important day to-
Hoshi: Of course it's an important day especially to the person you're dating and you can show the person you love that well you love them don't you know anything about romance Wonwoo?
Wonwoo: Um... no not really I guess I never had anyone to share my love with but my family
Hoshi: Isn't there anyone you wanna express strong feeling towards
Wonwoo: yeah but I-
Hoshi: YES!! I have money sorry Wonwoo gotta go before woozi comes back from the practice room BYEEEEEE!!!!
Wonwoo: Oh bye
Meanwhile with Mingyu~~~~~~
Mingyu: *sigh*
S.Coups: *ignores*
Mingyu: *Sigh*
S.Coups: *ignores*
Mingyu: *SIGH*
S.Coups: OMG Mingyu I swear to god on this close to punching you what do you want?!
Mingyu: Hyung~~ :^) Do you have a few bucks I could borrow
S.Coups: And for what exactly?
Mingyu: Well since its Valentine's Day today I thought hey why not express my feelings to the man of my dreams today but wait my pockets are empty so would you mind helping a friend?
S.Coups: *sigh* how much?
Mingyu: Um let's see probably around maybe $100
S.Coups: WHAT!!
Mingyu: Please hyung I promise to pay you back I really really need this please please pleeeeeease hyung
S.Coups: Fine I'll give you the money...IF you clean the dorm-
Mingyu: Deal
S.Coups: ah ah ah I'm not done yet now...
1) clean the dorm as in (kitchen, bathroom, living room, and my room)
2) do the laundry and fold it and place them in the right drawers of all the members
And 3) cook for all the members for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and if one of them says their hungry you make or get what they want got it
Mingyu: YES HYUNG!
S.Coups: Good here and if you break this deal I'll tell everyone what you dreamt about last night
Mingyu: widens eyes I promise I promise!!
S.Coups: alright starting tomorrow you do these three things okay
Mingyu: Okay!
S.Coups: Good boy now go away
Mingyu: Okay byeeeeee hyung thank you I won't let you down I promise
S.Coups: smiles aish that kid
At the dorm~~~~~
Mingyu: okay mask, sunglasses, hat, and hoodie okay good to go
Wonwoo: who are you talking to? and where are you going?
Mingyu: ah Wonwoo hyung um no one and no where
Wonwoo: then why-
Mingyu: sorry gotta go byeeeeee
Wonwoo: wait-
Wonwoo: but I'm hungry pout well I guess I have to make my self some ramen again
Mingyu time~~~~~
Mingyu: whew that was close almost got caught alright lets see where do I buy roses..........ah💡checks phone okay lets go
••••••••••••••••••*Le Time Skip*••••••••••••••••••
Mingyu: okay here we are at Beautiful Roses
Worker: Welcome how can I help you
Mingyu: ah yes can I get a bouquet of roses with some babies breath with a black ribbon on it and a card please
Worker: of course we have these choices of cards look through them while I get your flowers
Mingyu: yes, thank you
Worker: her you go full black ribbon have you chosen a card yet
Mingyu: Um no heh sorry there's so much I don't know which will suit the flowers and the personality of-
Worker: the one you love
Mingyu: heh yes
Worker: well since it's a black ribbon with red roses and babies breath you need soft colors what's his or hers personality like?
Mingyu: well he is sort of emotionless his expression is blank most of the time and he loves reading he may look cold but he's actually quite adorable and easy to get along with I just love it when he smiles his nose crinkles up all the time he just takes my breath away... smiles shyly heh sorry I got a little carried away there huh
Worker: Nope not at all I've got the card just for you well him
Mingyu: by the way may I ask your name?
Worker: ah well you can just call me Rith
Mingyu: oh well I'm-
Rith: its fine I know who you are and I hope he has the same amount of feelings for you
Mingyu: shocked how did you know it was me
Rith: ah well you were talking about Wonwoo being a fan of seventeen especially Wonwoo telling me he loved reading and he mostly has a plain face and his nose crinkles up when he smiles I figured out who you were talking about and a lot of seventeen fans think you guys are a couple
Mingyu: tomato face wow really I didn't know that heh I love him so much but I don't know if he feels the same way for me that's why I want today to be perfect
Rith: I'm sure he'll love it flashes a lovely smile
Mingyu: thank you
Rith: thank you come again, next time hope to see you with him good luck bye
Mingyu: smiles thank you, work hard
•~•~•~•~•~•~•Practice Room•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•
Mingyu: aaaand Done!
Vernon: It came out nice
S.Coups: yeah I agree
Jeonghan: me too I'm sure he'll love it and you Mingyu
Mingyu: thanks for your help guys I hope he does love it especially me laughs shyly
Vernon: that's really cheesy stop
Jumps onto Mingyu
Mingyu: loses his balance
They both fall to the floor Wonwoo on top of Mingyu showering him with little pecks on his cheeks and head and nose
Mingyu: rolls them over
Now that Mingyu is on top of Wonwoo he takes advantage of the kisses. Mingyu closes the gap between their lips and heir lips move in sync. They separate the kiss for air
Mingyu: I swear I've been wanting to do this since debut but I was just so scared
Wonwoo: me too but who cares cause we finally did it
Mingyu: I got you one more thing by the way
Wonwoo: oh really what is it
Mingyu: let's get up first
Wonwoo: ah right yeah
Mingyu: okay wait here okay close your eyes no peeking
Wonwoo: okay okay I won't peek
Mingyu: okay open them
Wonwoo: opens the red box ohhhh a book what's it about
Mingyu: there's one more thing, open the book
Wonwoo: opens the book its.. its a picture of us when we were in training Mingyu you have no idea how much this means to me oh my god
Mingyu: it makes me happy to think I got this far not just with the group but with you I Love You Jeon Wonwoo And I Always Will. Will you be my valentine for the rest of my life
Wonwoo: yes I will, will you Kim Mingyu be my Valentine for the rest of my life even after we aren't where we are now
Mingyu: I will I Love You Jeon Wonu
Wonwoo: I Love You Too Kim Mingew
Mingyu: I Love You More
~••~••~••~••~The End••~••~••~••~

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