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Loki's POV...
The first thing I feel when I come to is a terrible pain in my head; it is like Thor has been talking to me for hours. The lights above me are too bright as I lie on the cold floor. What in Odin's name happened? Where is Mellona? I sit up slightly, glancing around the empty room. It is too quiet; typically, there are guards and workers everywhere. Mellona! I scramble into a standing position, and I look around in panic.

"Mellona!" I scream at the top of my lungs.
Heavy footsteps run towards me, and multiple guards enter the room.
"Master!" One of the guard's chimes.
"Where is Mellona? Where is Nebula?" I make haste with my questions. "Tell me!"
"Sir, the prisoner and Nebula left late last night to go to Thanos."
Something deep inside of me stirs. Something that I only felt when I was around Thor. Jealousy. Hurt. Anger. All of these familiar emotions are bubbling like a hot cauldron inside of me. Mellona betrayed me, and now she is going to get hurt.
"Well, then, I guess your jobs here are over."
I open my hand and send daggers into each of the guards, and I watch as they drop dead. No one can remain.

I pace the corridors of the facility as I attempt to decide what to do. The easiest option is forgetting about Mellona and getting as far away from Midgard as possible before Thanos destroys it. But then I would be abandoning Mellona and leaving her in the hands of Thanos. I could go and attempt to retrieve her myself, but that is a stupid plan and would probably end up with my death. Or ... or I could go to the only people who could actually help, the people who will fight to the death to get her back: The Avengers.

Mellona's POV ...
My hands are chained tighter with silver handcuffs, and a black bag covers my head. Nebula leads me towards a vast ship before placing the blindfold on my head. All I know is that it is dark and cold, and I can think about is Loki. I could never have run away with him; it would only have led to death and destruction. Hopefully, Loki will uphold his part of the plan – not that he knows what that is. I can only pray that Loki will seek help from the Avengers, and they will agree to help him. If he does this when he's supposed to, then they will be able to reach me before Thanos kills me. Even though his hate runs deep for the Avengers, I know that deep down, he is a good person and will not allow Thanos to destroy the world. We can all end Thanos' reign. Together and only together.

Nebula harshly pulls on my chains and forces me to my feet.
"Hurry up! Thanos does not like to be kept waiting."
"Alright, I'm coming. He has all the time in the world; I must only have a couple of hours." I sigh.
The Avengers will come for me, right?

Loki's POV ...
I stride up to the Avenger's tower with my head held high. The last time I was here, that green beast smashed me into the Metal Man's floor. I shudder at the memory - stupid mortals.

As soon as I walk into the hideous building, alarms start blaring, and red lights flash. Robots flood the room and corner me.
"Stark! Brother! I am not here to hurt you! I have a proposition." I call out, hoping someone can hear me.
"Reindeer Games! Stand down. Where is Mellona Barton?" Stark's voice crackles through the air.
"That is what I have come to speak about. I need to te-" I pause as I pinch the bridge of my nose. "I need to team up with you to save Mellona!"
That sentence physically pained me. I hear a booming voice, and I cringe. Thor. The alarms stop, and the lights return to their typical hue. Finally, two sliding doors open, and I brace myself for the questions.
"I, Loki of Asgard, require your assistance."

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