Feelings × And × Diaries

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°•°•°†Chapter 10†°•°•°

•°•°•3rd Person's P.O.V•°•°•

"M-my Lord!?" Luxray yelled, with eyes widen in shock as he looked around the room to find the creature's presence, only seeing himself and no one else.

'Yes it's me, I'm glad that you can hear me at last.'

"Yes, I could hear you clearly but, where are you my lord?"

'Baka, I'm just using telepathy to communicate with you inside your mind.' Arceus voiced, making Luxray sweatdrop as he nervously laugh while scratching his head, then sat himself down the edge of the bed.

'Right! hehehe, so how have you been my lord?'

'Fine as usual, and was still waiting for the two of you to accomplish the requested conquest.' he answered, and Luxray 'oh'ed' in response as he continued listening.

'Now then, you're probably wondering of why'd you end up being a human.' he said, making his eyes widen in wonder.

'Yes it totally surprised me! in fact, I'm already getting myself used to it, was this your doing my lord?' He asked, energitically and heard his lord chuckled through his mind.

'I see that you're enjoying yourself being one, and yes it was me who turned you into a human so that you could always look after your master and be always at her side to protect her during her conquest but, it's only a temporary transformation, you'll eventually turn back yourself to normal.'

'I see. . .' Luxray thought, as he was quite dismayed after hearing that it's only a temporary state, but putted a smile on his face and bowed.

'I understood my lord, and yes I will protect her.' he answered, politely.

'Very well.' Arceus said, and Luxray looked at the towel, then sighed as his lord's voice could no longer be heard, signaling that the telepathy has already ended.

"Just a temporary huh."


You're currently outside at the ship's deck, resting your elbows on the railing with Killua's shirt still on your hand close to your chest, while watching the sunset in front of your eyes and failed to find Gon and Killua's presence.

"The two seems out to explore the ship." you sighed as the wind blows dramatically, blowing your scarlet hair letting its strands dance with the wind.

You then widen your eyes in surprise, when you saw a burning ship from not a far that makes you wonder, of why the ship was burned as it was now engulfed by the fire's sorrowful flames.

'I better head back to my room, the fire won't last longer anyway.' you thought, as you then walked off to head back to your room after taking one last glance at the now slowly fading flames, along with the ship's ashes that is now blown away by the wind, while the fire was eaten by the ocean's waves.

"Welcome back master~" Luxray greeted with a grin, when he saw you entered the room and you smiled at him, greeting back.

"Didn't you return it to Killua yet?" He asked, as you put the shirt back on the counter beside your bag and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess he was out with Gon, probably exploring the ship." you replied, and walked towards the bed where your pokèmon is sitting at.

"Maybe I should just return it to him tomorrow." you said and flopped yourself down the bed, slowly closing your eyes only to felt droplets of water hitting your head, making you to shut them wide open and looked up to see Luxray's hair wasn't properly dried.

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