Ch. 5 - Heartless Monster

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Chapter Five - Heartless Monster -


"One Carmel frappuccino with six extra espresso shots sir. That will be seven dollars."

The strange females voice drifted into Raven's ears causing her to stir. She twisted her body and noticed her head was laying on something firm and warm. Facing upwards she slowly opened her eyes to see Hunter staring down on her, grinning. Raven gasped and quickly sat up, the memories of the previous night flooded her mind.

"Relax," Hunter quietly demanded, "You fell asleep."

Raven looked around and noticed she sat in the back seat of a vehicle. The widows were darkly tinted and as she glanced outside her heart plummeted. This wasn't her town and she had no idea where they were.

"Your change sir." the female spoke again.

Raven turned to see they were sitting in a coffee drive through, and noticed the two strangers up front. Shadow turned to hand her coffee back to her, and she took it with shaky, nervous hands.

"Thank you." Raven mumbled and instantly hated herself for being polite to the strangers.

Hunter smiled playfully at her, "I know you usually prefer straight shots first thing in the morning, but we don't have the time. I hope it's okay that the extra was added instead."

Raven took a sip of the cold, creamy beverage. The high levels of caffeine tickled her senses and cleared the grogginess away.

"Whatever you say." she replied quietly.

Raven turned to watch the world pass by from outside the window, searching for a landmark or anything recognizable. She wanted to escape, but first she needed to figure out where she was. There was nothing familiar, even the trees were different from the ones in her small town. She was use to open farm lands and dry heat, while this place adorned thick forestry and damp air. Disappointment began setting in.

"Where are we?" Raven asked.

"On our way home." Hunter replied.

It wasn't the response Raven was looking for, and she suspected Hunter knew her intentions. He reached towards her to push some stray hair behind her ears and she instinctively jerked away.

"Don't," Hunter firmly demanded. Raven looked in his direction and he added softer, "Just don't."

Deciding her coffee could serve as a distraction from his touch, Raven sucked down nearly half the cups contents without breathing. Hunter tucked the stray hair behind her ear while she fought the urge to move away. He silently chuckled at how concentrated she became on the drink and moved her hair back, making Raven's neck visible to him. Hunter trailed his fingers from the base of her shoulder up to her earlobe, and she furrowed her eyebrows while sucking on the straw fiercely. When he touched Raven's jaw line her coffee was all but gone. She failed to stay still and shifted her face away.

Hunter lost his patience then. He'd been trying his best to make the transition into her new life easy and didn't appreciate how difficult she was being. He grabbed Raven's wrist and yanked her across the seat forcefully. She barrelled into his side before yelping in pain and shock. Her empty coffee cup hit the car floor and the sound caught Shadow's attention. Hunter didn't realize how hard he gripped Raven's dainty wrist, and when she began tearing up and whimpering he assumed it was out of fear.

"Hush." he commanded roughly.

"But it hurts." Raven sobbed while trying to free herself from his grasp.

"That better not have been your coffee hitting my car floor." Shadow warned from the driver seat.

Hunter gave him a look through the rear view mirror, silently telling Shadow to shut up before examining Raven's wrist closer. It was already swelling, so he knew it been injured.

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