Stilies POV'S

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Stilies POV'S

I let Scott drive because he was in a rush to see derek about new people comming to beacon hills and if they might be dangerous. It started to pour scott was speeding down the road and when seen a figuare between the lights he suddenly stoped and the figure luckaly dodged it. We got out of the car and asked if she was okay. We never seen her before that was probley what scott was talking about with derek on the phone. She looked at us and said scott name than mine. I swear i never met her before. Well we will see you at school tomarrow bye. We walked to my car i was driving this time when we where about to get in she Yelled Remember where your going Stilinski and Mcall. I froze for a sec how did she know our last names i thought. We got in and left. We arivied to derek's house in the woods we got off the jeep and went into dereks house he was standing by the door. He said have you seen anyone new around here. Yeah Scott almost hit her by my jeep i said Do you two know her name derek said. No i said. Derek said well you guys have school tomarrow find out what she is and her name and stuff know go.

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