Chapter 45 - "Blame Game..."

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Chapter 45 - "Blame Game..."

'Lil. I don't know what to say. You was the one that encouraged me to go for it' Clara mumbled.

'I didn't mean this. I mean by all means have a Fucking fling on the side but why with him? Why such a Fucking weed?'

'Would people please stop calling me that? I can fight my own fricken battles' John growled.

'I think there's more to be concerned about here than your bloody nick names' Clara snapped at John for the first time since they had properly started going out. 'Because you have loads of them' Clara shouted.

That hurt John. Obviously other people had other awful nicknames for John that he hadn't heard that Clara probably joined in with.

Of course John knew all along that the secrecy was a terrible idea. He only went along with it for Clara's sake. He never should have done though.

He should have told Clara to tell people from the beginning.

'He's not just a fling Lil. He's my friend. He's my boyfriend. I just wanted to see what would happen. And I fell in love with him' Clara said as she was faced with pretty much the entire football team.

John's mouth gaped just a little.

Don't get him wrong he had thought about the L word... but they had only been dating officially for three months now. It was only the beginning of February.

Yeah okay they had known each other for 6 months but they had, had so many ups and downs since then.

John wasn't entirely sure what love felt like. And neither was Clara if she was completely honest with herself but she was pretty sure that John was it.

And she wasn't afraid to say it anymore.,

'So this was the reason you dumped me? Him? I mean Fucking hell you've got no standards have ya?' Jason said threateningly as John took a step away sick of the attack.

He knew he wouldn't be able to take Jason so it was for the best that he keep out of the way.

Thankfully Mr Scott the football coach came over to break things up and insist that everyone get on the field ready to play.

John felt awful as he headed beck to the stands and looked at Clara who was being ignored by Lilly as she ran after her crying.

John felt kind of responsible.

- - -

'Lilly please. You have to understand this. I didn't want to go public until I knew he was right. And he is'

'Well I'm glad your happy' Lilly said snidely.

'Well... You don't sound it' Clara sniffed.

'Do you seriously think the tears are going to work on me? Because their not. Run back to John and start crying. He's so unpopular he'll bloody grab the chance to bottle your tears. Then he can sell them' Lilly snapped.

'I don't know what your so angry about? You practically knew about it. You and Richard were the ones to set us up for fucks sake'

'It's not the same thing Clara. I would expect as your best friend for you to tell me. Turns out your just as pathetic as tumble weed'

'Why does everyone keep calling him that? He has a name' Clara snapped looking at Alyssa the blondest bitch in the school for an answer.

'He's a bit of an idiot. He wet himself in the bushes when he was in year 7 - hence tumble weed. He's a proper nerd Clara and he's going to drag you down' Alyssa snapped.

'I don't care about popularity. I love him' Clara scoffed as half time was called.

She couldn't believe they had been arguing for that bloody long.

'You don't know what your saying.' Lilly snapped. 'You've only known him six months. Of course your perfect little Clara. It wouldn't shock me if you were Fucking pregnant' Lilly snickered making the girls snicker but I could see Alyssa look back at me.

Alyssa was t horrible. She was just extremely close to Lilly. She followed her every move.

- - -

The minute that everyone else disappeared onto the football pitch or the team support bay Clara knew that was her chance to escape... so she bolted and she went straight home.

And John knew that's what she would do. So he left not 15 minutes behind her.

'Don't get me wrong John. I've got no objection to you. Your a pleasant man - but you only left this house 2 hours ago... try distancing yourself hmm?' Dave said as he opened the door to the teenager.

He was going to ignore as Clara's wishes - but when he saw that it was John he just knew whatever Clara was so upset about it was the boy.

'I'm sorry sir. I know she's upset. I can help' John mumbled shifting his foot in the mud on the otherwise pristine doorstep.

'Clara told me not to let anyone in? Are you anyone?'

'No. She doesn't mean me I promise' John said not actually sure that if didn't apply to him.

'Then you know where her bedroom is' Dave said moving aside getting ready to eavesdrop but he was disappointed in the fact that there was no shouting at all.

The first thing John saw was Clara walking up and down the room in an angry pace but the minute she saw John and made eye contact with him she calmed down just a little.

'Clara I'm so sorry' John mumbled trying to calm Clara down.

'It's not your fault John. We couldn't have foreseen this' Clara mumbled.

'If I hadn't have gone to that stupid game with Richard and his friends then this would all still be in the dark' John huffed.

'I forced you to go to that game... it was my fault really' Clara mumbled.

'No. It was my phone'

'And my 800 text messages. If I hadn't of messaged you then there would have been no questions asked' Clara announced fiddling with he thumbs waiting for John to say something - anything that was useful.

Instead John just stepped forward and pulled her into a tight hug knowing that would help her more than anything.

She did love a good John hug.

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