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Will: hey... Do you have a cold?

Horace: no. Why?

Will: I dunno... Your voice sounds a little... HORACE

Horace: ...

Halt: ...

Alyss: ...

Ranger Corps: ...

Araluen: ...

Earth: ...

Horace: why you little

I read this one on tumblr AGES ago... so sorry for the lack of credit. However, I do have a fun fact for ya: This really describes my voice right now (also, how the hell am I supposed to translate this in Dutch??? ;))

Now, a slightly more political note... As my followers in Instagram may have seen, drowned-in-books on tumblr came up with the idea of a RA AU: instead of Halt throwing Montague in a moat, he throws Trump in a swimming pool. Being the geek/nerd/fangirl/whatever that I am, I wrote that story. According to some it turned out pretty well, and I'm prepared to share it with you guys. However, if there is ANYONE who would be offended by that, please let me know. I do not want to offend any of you guys, so please let me know if there's something (like this story) you wouldn't particularly like if I'd post it, so we can talk about it :)

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