A night full of fears-Part 2

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So here you go ;)

Cole's POV:

It was Lloyd's birthday. And sensei wasn't home. So we decided to make a huge party and also to get drunk. Kai sent me to the supermarket to buy some bottles of vodka and whiskey. On my way I started to think about him again.
I don't know how I could develop feelings for him. But somehow it happened. I was deep in thoughts grabbed a couple bottles of vodka and whiskey, without looking how strong they were. I paid them and went back to the bounty. Actually we decided to not to get so drunk. But somehow I forgot to look how much alcohol they contended. When I arrived I placed the bottles on the desk and looked for Zane. But Lloyd was the first to come up to me. "Vodka? Whiskey? Cole? Are you trying to get drunk? Or to kill each other?! Look at the alcohol concentration!" He said his voice cracking and nearly bursting out in tears. But I ignored him and shoved him out of my way. I looked everywhere for him but I couldn't find him. Then in the hallway I met Kai. "Sup bro? Lookin' for something?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm looking for Zane.... I mean like... I have to ask him a question.... " I blushed like mad and stretched my neck nervously. "It's alright... He's in the kitchen." I face palmed myself and ran down the stairs. "THANKS KAI!" I shouted so he could hear me from upstairs. I entered the kitchen and there he were. He might was wearing a pink apron but he still looked pleasing for me. I adored him when I woke up, when I saw him, when he talked to me and at night when I went to bed. "Oh hey Cole. Do you mind helping me with that cake?" He asked suddenly but luckily he didn't catch me staring. "Um... Yes why not?" I stuttered and went over to him. I blushed like mad and stared at his every move. "I sense that your body temperature is rising as well as your heart beat. Is everything alright with you?" Zane asked all of a sudden. My heart immediately skipped a beat. "Of course everything's alright! What should be wrong with me ??" I asked loudly and giggled nervously. Zane stared a me confused. He shook his head and kept on working on his cake. I sighed mentally and apologized. "Why would you apologize? Is there anything you did wrong?" He asked and put the cake in the oven. Now he was staring right at me. "I.... I'm.... I...." I stuttered and couldn't get a word out of my mouth. Zane came towards me and put his stone cold palm on my forehead. Shivers ran down my spine. And I blushed even harder when he touched me. "I think you should stay in bed " he said touched my cheeks. "No Zane! I'm not ill! I was just blushing." I said. He stared at me confused. "But why would you blush? Is anything in here you're uncomfortable with?"
Yes it's you. I thought but kept silent.
I ran out of the kitchen quickly and locked the door of my room. I jumped onto my bed and screamed into my pillow.

Zane's POV:

I don't know what got into Cole. He's acting strange. I waved it off and went to get the cake out of the oven. I placed it near the window so it could get a little colder so I could put it into the fridge. I put off my apron and walked out of the kitchen. When I walked into the living room I saw Lloyd on the couch. And he seemed to be crying.

"Hey buddy? What is it?" I asked while sitting down next to him and stroking his back to comfort him. But he simply pointed to the desk where I could find lots of bottles. And they seemingly were bottles of vodka and whiskey. I stared at me. Tears ran down his cheeks.

"I don't want any of you to get drunk. I don't want any of you to fight....
I... I want to bring the bottles back to the store. Please don't drink it!" Lloyd begged. I shook my head and laughed a little bit. "Don't worry Lloyd. We'll be fine. I promise. And if you don't believe me, don't drink any of those and after you ate the cake you can lock yourself in your room. I would make the same, but I have to watch after the others." Lloyd slowly nodded and stood up. He mumbled something about that it's not a good idea at all. But I think he's just overreacting.

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