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Anthony watched as Aven was slowly packing his things to leave the hospital. It had been a week now and he was finally cleared to be discharged. Aven was slowly getting tired of taking medicine three times a day and nurses and doctors popping in and out of his room without his consent. He was ready to be back in the comfort of his own home. Since Samantha had to go into work today due to her missing three consecutive days to stay with her hospitalized son, Anthony insisted on taking Aven home so his mother could continue her scheduled work days.

"I'm so fuckin' sore."Aven complained as he cautiously put his arms through his jacket.

Anthony stood near the door with his body propped against the wall. He smirked at his little brother, sort of enjoying his slight pain. "From doin' what?"He asked with a raise of his brow.

Aven looked up at him with a mug etched on his face. "Bitch believe it or not, laying in a fuckin' bed for a whole fuckin' week is fuckin' tiring."He stated causing Anthony to chuckle with a shake of his head.

"At least you not as lazy as I thought man." Anthony half joked. "But hurry yo' slow ass up, the fumes of all of the damn hand sanitizer these folks use gettin' me light headed."He nestled his head in the crease of his elbow taking in his own scent instead of the scent the hospital offered.

Aven chuckled at his dramatic antics that reminded him of their mother. He folded the last pair of grey sweats before stuffing them in his Nike gym bag. "We can head out now wit' yo baby ass."He threw the strap over his right shoulder slowly regretting it by the slight pain it had caused on his sore body. He grabbed his phone from the center of his bed and slid it in the front pocket of his black sweats. His Nike slides shuffled behind Anthony's wheat Timbs leading them out of the hospital room. Arriving in the hall, the nurse that had offered to stand outside so Aven and his brother could have more privacy now stood with a wheelchair for Aven.

Anthony and Aven traded looks at each other before they both let out small laughs. "Nah, baybeh' I don't think I need that. I don't had enough of sitting and laying down. Thank you though."Aven spoke to the blonde haired freckle faced lady.

"Are you sure, you may feel a little loopy from the last dose of medicine that you took an hour ago."She persisted kindly.

Aven shook his head assuring her that he didn't need it. "I'm sure. I'll be fine walking."He said to her.

The nurse nodded her head before folding the wheelchair back up and placing it near the wall by the other gallery of wheelchairs. "Okay then, I will walk you two out. Did you get your prescription yet?"

Aven nodded. "Yeah I did."He answered as he followed behind the nurse. Anthony found no interest in the conversation they were having so he completely zoned out. He was able to not play any attention yet follow the the remainder of the way out of the hospital.

Reaching the outside of the hospital, Anthony pulled the car up and Aven slid into the passenger seat. Driving off of the premises of the hospital Aven let out a relieving sigh. He was so happy that he no longer had to hear the annoying sounds of machines beeping and other patients doing the most. He felt saved basically. "Where you headin' to, yo' aunty house or ma' crib?"Anthony asked Aven as he pulled up to a stop sign.

"Ma' home?"Aven asked as he retwisted on of his dreads that managed to stray away from the messy bun he had it in.

Anthony shook his head no. "She went to work. Why the fuck you think I came to get you?"He looked at him stupidly.

Aven shrugged. "I dont fuckin' know, to show you cared about a nigga or somethin'."He stated.

Anthony gave him a look that told Avem that he must have been out of his mind. "Uh negative."Anthony said simply causing the both of them to laugh. It had been just like that for the past week. Their relationship has become a bit better, but Anthony sensed that once Aven was back home he would be doing the same lazy crap as before. Anthony had spoken to his mother and he encouraged her to start pulling away from Aven. Not only did he have to learn how to be on his own, but so does Samantha. She needs to learn how to let the boy go and let him be the adult he needs to be. Samantha agreed to push Aven to get a stable job to at least support a small portion of himself since he shut down the whole rehab thing.

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