Six drunks and a maid

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(Not edited)

"Good morning boys," you say as you slide their door open.

They didn't come tumbling into your room. It wasn't strange but. You felt that they needed a wake up call.

Strangely. Only Todomatsu is lying in his futon. This means that someone's being nosy. Doesn't it?

You see Todomatsu sitting up as he rubs his eyes. "What's going on (Name)?" he says after a yawn.

"The nature of this house. It's a bit too quiet," you murmur as you slide the door closed.

You slowly search all of the rooms of the house and finally reach the kitchen. Suspiciously it's very clean. Your heart feels a bit too unsettled to let the brothers be where they are.

Maybe calling them down for breakfast. You open the fridge to see an empty fridge. What? But. You bought some food yesterday.

What is this? This! This is evidence that they were here!

You search the cabinets after slamming the fridge shut hard enough to hear a jingle of some items near it. The Monkey chunk fuzz you bought is half empty.

The dog food! Is... still there.

Weird. You'd expect the dog food would at least be opened a tad bit.

Hmm.. oh yeah. The Love juice thing is in the fridge. No doubt they probably touched it. It's like you're watching a pack of foxes. Rip everything open and leave it for someone else to deal with.

Huh. They probably even ripped open one of those packages of Pringos. Ya know. The toilet paper tubes that hold chips to make you feel like you're actually not wasting paper?

You open the fridge once again. Hmmm... it's not here. Then again. When you opened it in the first place you would've noticed the pink bottle in the first place.

T h e y  t o o k  t h e  b o t t l e .

With a sigh you shut the door gently. Where could those savages be? They ate everything then dumped it. You hear a knock at the door. You go to the kitchen door. Nope, not from here. They seem to be from the front of the house.

The knocks continue at a fast pace before you slide the gosh darn door open like it's your mother on buy one get one free week. Damn that woman goes fast.

A tall thin man with a cheap short mullet appears. Forget being mad.. look at his huge freakin teeth! Man. How much do those cost?

Then again. Wasn't there like a really expensive metal that looked exactly like
that in the newspaper the other year?

"Oi. Is this the Matsuno residence?" he says quickly. Surprise! He doesn't speak with a lisp!

"Yes?" you say as he looks at you. He chuckles and places his hand on his hip. Wonder if this guy will go anywhere with his life?

"Osomatsu. I never knew you got surgury. You look even worse now than you did before. Is this really what you wanted to do just to be different from your brothers? If anything I would think Todomatsu would do it. Hah haaaa," he says looking around like he's being followed.

You raise your eyebrows. This man is downright stipid. "Excuse me?" you say gripping the door frame.

If he's going to insult you more. Hmmm... Seriously wondering how much you'll get with all that teeth...

The man stutters. "You're not Osomatsu-san?"

You shake your head. He raises left leg and does a half dab. "SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!"


You stare at the pile of teeth resting in your hand. Mmmm. Sweet sweet money.

He really took a hit when he fell onto the tatami mat. You definitely didn't hit him. Promise. You just. He just fell and his teeth broke. Maybe you hit his head once.. His teeth miraculously grew back!

Right. Now to get done with breakfast. Wonder where the brothers are though.

Hmm... should probably store the teeth in a safe place in your room. You head up the stairs into your room.

As you open the door to your room you smell something strange. The five missing brothers...

Heyyyy there! This is where this part ends. Each brother will get his own chapter so you can get your chances of shaking those maracas with him if you know what I mean. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Each part will be a different timeline. WOOOOOSH!

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