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Exam results came out the Wednesday after the feast, on the eleventh of June. Percy had done rather well, getting at least an A (Acceptable) in all of his classes:

Perseus Jackson, First Year, Gryffindor

Astronomy, Aurora Sinistra: E

Charms, Filius Flitwick: E

Defense Against the Dark Arts, Quirinus Quirrell: O

Herbology, Pomona Sprout: E

History of Magic, Cuthbert Binns: A

Potions, Severus Snape: O

Transfiguration, Minerva McGonagall: E

 Hermione, of course, had done wonderfully, getting an O (Outstanding) in everything. Harry and Ron's grades had been much the same as Percy's.

The week and a half leading up to when everyone would have to go home for the summer was spent lazing around outside and doing nothing. They were stress-free; no stones to worry about, no Snape to keep an eye on, and no pressuring teachers expecting them to do perfect on everything. It was amazing.

The twentieth of June finally rolled around, and with it, the disappointment Percy felt about going back to the Dursleys for the summer. He knew that he had Harry for company and that he would be able to go back to school in September, but it was still unpleasant to think about. Harry had told Percy the day before they would have to leave that he had gone to Dumbledore to ask if they could stay over the summer. Naturally, the headmaster said no, but it was worth a try.


Percy was waiting with Ron and Hermione in the doorway to one of the cars on the train. All of their stuff was already in a compartment and they were ready to go - they were just waiting for Harry. He was talking to Hagrid a little off to the side on the Hogsmeade train station platform. Hagrid handed Harry a small red book and wiped a tear from his eye. Harry smiled, said something, and made his way over to Percy and the others.

Percy looked questioningly at his brother. "I'll tell you once we've gone," Harry said.

Then the train started moving, the wheels squealing and smoke coming from the chimney up in the first car. Hagrid waved to the four of them from where he was standing and they waved back, smiling and yelling goodbye. Soon the platform, along with Hagrid, was out of sight. They all retreated into their chosen compartment and sat down, ready for the long train ride. About ten minutes in, Harry remembered the book that Hagrid had given him. "It's a book of pictures. They're all about me and my parents. You guys are in here too."

It was true. Harry showed them a picture of baby Harry with his mum and dad. "That's adorable," Hermione said. There was a picture of just Percy and Harry standing with their arms around the other's shoulders, faces grinning. And there was one of all four of them. They looked happy in the picture, Percy messing with Hermione's hair with her scowling playfully at him, Harry and Ron laughing next to them. It made Percy loathe leaving even more. There were more pictures of the four of them and some other people, but they all blurred together. At the end of the book, there were still quite a few empty pages, ready for more pictures to be added.


The rest of the train ride passed by relatively quickly. They talked some, ate sweets from the trolley pushed around the train by that little old lady, and just had fun in the others' company. All too soon, the train screeched to a halt and everyone started getting off. It took a couple of minutes for the four of them to fully exit (it was much more crowded on Platform Nine and Three-Quarters than it was on the Hogsmeade platform) and once they were off the train they looked for their guardians. Percy fully expected that the Dursleys wouldn't even be waiting for them, that he and Harry would have to ride the bus back, but to his immense surprise and displeasure, they were standing by the entrance to the platform next to a group of redheads and looking quite uncomfortable.

Percy nudged Ron, pointing out the redheads. "Is that your family there?" He recognized the woman who had helped him and Harry get onto the platform before school had started. Ron nodded.

"Yeah, that's my mum and dad and my sister, Ginny, is with them." Fred, George, and Percy Weasley had already found their parents and were waiting beside them, Fred and George fooling around and Percy scolding them.

Hermione perked up a little. "I'll be right back, I found my mum and dad." She ran off, dragging her trunk with her. The three boys made their way over to their respective families once she was gone.

Once Percy and Harry reached the Dursleys, Uncle Vernon looked disdainfully down at the two of them. "Ready?" They nodded.

They were about to leave when a plump, red-headed woman, Ron's mother, came towards them. "Hello," she said brightly. The Dursleys looked at her in apprehension and slight fear. "I'm Molly Weasley, Ron's mother. You must be the Dursley family!" Petunia nodded. Not put off in the slightest by the awkwardness, Mrs. Weasley continued, Ron snickering in the background. "I've come to meet Percy and Harry officially. Can I steal them away for a moment?" She didn't bother waiting for an answer. She took Percy and Harry by the arms, leaving their trunks behind, and brought them over to Ron.

They talked for a bit, Harry gave the Dursleys' phone number to Ron in case he ever wanted to call (Ron raised an eyebrow at that) and gave the same to Hermione, who had shown up with her muggle parents in tow not a second later. Percy and Harry introduced themselves properly to Mrs. Weasley and she immediately began fussing over them like a mother hen, asking if they were eating enough and whether or not they were willing to go over to their house to have dinner sometime. Percy decided he rather liked Mrs. Weasley.

The Dursleys were starting to give them the evil eye when Percy decided it was time to leave. "Harry, we should go," he said, motioning with his head over at the Dursleys. Harry nodded.

"Man, I don't envy you, having to stay with the likes of them all summer," Ron said sympathetically.

"Yeah. Are you two sure that you'll be alright?" Hermione questioned.

Percy and Harry just grinned at each other. "Oh, I'm sure it'll be fine," Percy said.

"After all," Harry said.

"They don't know that we're not allowed-"

"-to do magic outside of school."

Ron and Hermione just laughed and said goodbye, going back to their parents. Percy and Harry turned back to the Dursleys and as they were walking out of the station Percy said, "Oh, this summer is going to be so much fun." Harry only snickered mischievously.

If there was one thing Percy had learned from his time at Hogwarts, it was that the castle really was his home. Not the Dursleys', but Hogwarts. That was where he belonged, where he had friends and a real family.

Hogwarts was his home.



Thank you so much everyone that read, voted, and commented on this book. I never imagined that this many people would actually want to look at what I'm writing and I sincerely hoped that everyone who read enjoyed this book and is looking forward to the next one because, like I said a couple of chapters ago, the prologue/first chapter is going to be out BEFORE this book reaches 50k reads.

EDIT!!!! The prologue to the next book is now up, the first chapter soon to follow!

Please comment any grammar or spelling mistakes you find, it does wonders for my writing.


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