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(Cedric's P.O.V.)

That first week back at Hogwarts felt like an eternity to him. Stares followed him through the halls and didn't let up during classes. Whispers reached his ears; other people voicing their own opinions on whether or not he was insane.

His rock was Iris, and retreating into some hidden nook in the castle with her was the only thing he looked forward to all day. They studied together, talked, and simply spent time being with each other.

Most of the girls thought that their relationship was adorable, and lots of people shouted 'finally!' the first time he kissed her in public.

Classes were as usual, except for their Defense Against the Dark Arts. Sure they had had a lot of unqualified teachers over the years, and this one was actually qualified, but every single student hated her with a burning passion. Most people were praying for Lockhart to come back from St. Mungo's and give them garbage lessons again.

But slowly days passed into weeks, and weeks into months. The situation at Hogwarts only got worse, especially after Dumbledore left. As soon as Iris and Cedric heard about Dumbledore's Army they had joined, and attended each meeting of the DA.

So naturally, they were among the students punished when their secret meetings were discovered. Umbridge had wanted to exclude Cedric from the punishment because she deemed him 'unfit,' but he stood beside his friends proudly.

Cedric Diggory was not a coward, after all.

The wizarding world around them seemed to grow darker, and even Hogwarts no longer felt all that safe. It was unsettling that the place they had grown up in was now a place they wanted to leave.

For a while they had been planning what to do after school ended for them. A war was coming, and they both knew it, but they were still unsure of their plans. Oftentimes when they were hiding in a empty classroom or the back of the library they would talk about it in hushed whispers. 

Cedric had decided that after school he wanted to train to become an Auror, but now was not the time to start that training. The Ministry was weak, and he knew that it would be infiltrated if it had not already been. Iris would train as a Healer, and they decided she would start training directly after school and learn as much as she could before they were forced to fight or flee.

Exams were drawing nearer, and students were passing out and having nightmares from all the stress, but Cedric and Iris had been studying all year. They had both received excellent grades on their O.W.L.s in fifth year, so all they needed was to get good grades on their N.E.W.T.s.

A lot of drama happened at the end of the year, and per usual it involved Harry Potter. Cedric and Iris were not involved, but they heard a lot about it.

Umbridge had been taken off by centaurs and now refused to speak to anyone, which was seen as a large improvement. Dumbledore returned to the school and the Ministry now knew that Lord Voldemort had come back to rein.

 Harry and Cedric were now published as heroes, likely because the Ministry was embarrassed at having badmouthed them all of the last year. Now Cedric's scars were applauded and loved by many, and he received fan mail from hundreds of witches and wizards. Knowing that it was all junk and that people's opinions could change like a shift in the wind, he burned all of it in the Hufflepuff common room fire, nearly setting the couch on fire.

The entire wizarding world seemed to be buckling down for the horror and battles to come, and now strangers no longer exchanged words. People were cautious, especially after the deaths that began to happen across the countryside. Muggles had been targets too, and Iris was so upset by this that she had cried each time she read the paper.

Over all, it seemed like the world was slowly falling apart. The days were dull gray and often rainy was well, because of the Dementors leaving Azkaban and beginning to breed. Each side seemed to be attempting to get magical beasts on their side as well. Voldemort's followers grew by the day, and it seemed as though someone was found dead in the paper each morning.

Dark times were settling over Britain, but for Cedric and Iris, there was still light in the world. They had both moved out of their parent's homes and were now living in a tiny flat near St. Mungo's. Iris was beginning her training and Cedric got a temporary job in Muggle London. Nothing very special, but it brought in the money needed to pay rent on the flat and buy some food.

They had happy days together despite the scary times and horrifying events that surrounded them. Still, they weren't fools, and they were prepared to leave and flee to the countryside at any moment. Each of them carried a wallet that had an Undetectable Extension Charm placed on it, with survival items inside. They practiced spells together, especially Patronus Charms that would allow them to communicate if something happened and they were separated.

Still, they could say that they were happy despite the struggles and fear in the everyday life. Because they had something very special.


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