Chapter 2

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Heath's P.O.V

"Zaneeeee, I'm homeee" I yelled walking into our new apartment, I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone, wow it's 3:27 am I thought it was earlier than that.

"Whattt whattt happened" came Zane running out of his room with a bat

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked laughing

"I heard you screaming" he said standing in front of me

"Boy I only yelled Zane I'm home, you cray cray boo" I said going back to my phone

"So what'd you do tonight?" he asked sitting next to me

"I went to the Tattoo Shop because Scotty wanted a new tattoo" I said remembering what happened and smiling because Mariana popped up in my head

"Wait why's you smiling?" he said smirking

"Please don't ever smirk again, you look like a creeper" I said laughing

"Rudeeee, but tell me why you're smiling" he said looking at me

"I met this girl, well she asked me to pick a tattoo for her" I said looking at him, and picturing Mariana

"Wasn't she going to regret it in the morning?" he asked with eyes wide open

"I asked her and she said no that she wouldn't" I said

"Well what did you pick?" he asked

"A skull, but it was cool like the ones from The Day of the Dead" I said looking at him

"Ohh cuteee, anyway I'm going to sleep since SOMEBODY decided to yell, and wake me up" he said rolling his eyes at me

"At least I ain't got nasty ass bed hair that be looking like a damn bird nest" I said doing Duck lips at him

'Gasps' "So damn rude, Imma move out of this damn mothafuck house and leave your ass alone" he said screaming but kinda softly so he wouldn't wake up the neighbors

"Bitch try me! I'll get a damn Kramoda Dragon to replace your ass" I said standing up and going up to his face
Yeah this is a natural day or night with us, we always argue but just messing around
" bitch I hope the fuq you do" he said looking at me
" goodnight baby" I said hugging him
"Goodnight tay tay" he said laughing and hugging me back
We both turned different ways going to our rooms
It was such a good night today
I hope I see Mariana again, she was so beautiful

Mariana's P.O.V
I woke up with my arm kinda sore I looked down at my arm and noticed the tattoo, I smiled
Oh yeah Heath:)
I feel so stupid for not getting his number! I had such a good time with him

"Mariana is you awake?" Came Melissa opening my door, oh yeah I forgot to mention she's my roommate
"Yeah I'm awake" I said looking out my window

"Why do you look sad?" She said sitting in front of my legs

"I feel so dumb not getting Heath's number" I said sitting up and looking at her

"Aww babe don't worry, if it's fate, you guys will meet again" she said rubbing my leg
"I hope so" I said smiling
"Well I was thinking we should go to the boardwalk because today is going to be so freaking hot" she said standing up going to my closet
" I'll pick something cute just in case we see Heath" she said looking back at me and winking 
" ohh yess pleasee" I said standing up and going to the restroom and doing my business. I came out and she was gone
I got a towel and my panties and bra, I walked to the bathroom and took a shower
Ahhh nice and clean, I walked back to my room closed the door and decided to listen to some music while changing and putting on make up
Ohh this is cute! Melissa picked high waisted shorts, a cute t-shirt, my black converse. (Up top).
I walked over to the bathroom and decided to blow dry my hair and do Dutch braids. This looks really cute
Now for makeup I'll do my usual which is mascara, light eyeliner and some cute lipgloss
"Mariana! Are you ready?" Melissa yelled from the living room
"Perfect timing!" I said walking over to my night stand, getting my phone and walking over to the closet and getting out my purse
I walked to the living room and saw her sitting there on her phone
"Ready" I said standing in front of her
"Aww you look so cute" she said standing up
"You too boo" I said smiling at her
"Let's go!" She said walking out and me following her

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