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My name is Rachel Starling, I am a cop that works for the NYPD, and my partner is Klayton Scott, he is by far the wildest cop on the force, he loves being exotically different, and has one hell of a temper, the good thing for me is that I am actually one of the few cops he likes he is a very cool guy, on his days off he loves making music, he is one hellacious rock n roller he usually used that energy in his work as well. Of all the positions to work in, he loved working undercover jobs the most for he could truly be himself in his undercover identities, for he made one wicked goth/punk, he was the only cop on the force with tattoos and body piercings everywhere. I kind of really liked his labret piercing underneath his bottom lip especially when he wore the loop I got for him last year for his birthday he liked weird gifts like that. He was like the brother I never had and he often called me lil sister which I thought was cute, I mean after all he did teach me everything I knew about being a great cop, with him being the senior officer in all.

It has been a very long day of absolutely nothing going on at the station. I was getting ready to sign off for the day, and go home to my house cat Magic the only steady thing in my life right now, no matter what, I always woke up every morning with my Magic, and went to sleep with my Magic, he was my little man, and I loved him more than anything. I was quickly Hollered at by Mickey Kostmayer, our squad Captain who said that Klayton and I were currently reassigned to a murder case down at the 063rd Precinct, starting tomorrow for they only had a skeleton crew and none of them had the knowledge to handle a murder investigation. I groaned in disgust for I hated more than anything, being reassigned to the 063rd...for it was the very bad part of the city, nothing good ever came from that side of the city.

I asked him if there was any way he could assign two of the other officers in our squad to take the case but beens he used to be my boyfriend until very recently, that ended in not such a good way he just gave me his famous not on your life stare. I just waved at him and told him thanks a lot then added that it was no way to run a police station off of personal resentment. I headed to Klayton's desk, he was still typing up the last few pages of his report from two days ago as soon as he was done, he asked me what I was still hanging about for but as soon as I gave him my disgusted look, he knew we were being reassigned and he started bitching about it too, but I already informed him that the Captain made his mind up, we were it.

Klayton looked at me and said that I should charge the boss with harassment for the only reason he picked on me all the time, was due to me dumping him as my boyfriend. I told him with a sarcastic laugh, that if I did that, though, I wouldn't have anyone picking on me at all and I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Plus I really liked pressing his buttons too. Klayton plopped his hand on my shoulder and said I had him then he smiled at me and changed the subject to where we were being reassigned, as soon as he heard me say 063rd he dropped in his seat a cussed loud enough for the boss to hear him saying he really hated being way the fuck out there on the far side of the city in bumfucked Egypt. I agreed with him, then said we start first thing in the morning.

Klayton jumped out of his seat, and turned off everything at his desk, then asked me if I wanted to join him for a late dinner. I told him thanks but no, for the only date, I wanted to make, was with my pillow, and Magic. He gave me a brotherly hug and told me he'd see me in the morning bright and early. I hugged him back and restated to him bright and early as I headed for my car. I finally made it to my single-room apartment, as soon as I turned on the lights, Magic greeted me with a few loud meows and continuous purring. I picked him up, gave him a smooch, and asked him if he had a good day today, then grabbed his bowl and put some milk in it then placed some fancy feast in his tray.

I took my badge and gun off, and hung them up on my hall tree by my bed, in case I ever needed it quickly then I pulled out a t.v. dinner and nuked it in the microwave after eating while watching a few episodes of The Three Stooges, I checked all my windows and doors, then outted the lights and plopped down into bed, really dreading tomorrow. Magic jumped up in bed with me and I just lay there as I stroked his beautiful black fur until all I could hear was his loud purring and I drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile, at Klayton's house, he had just finished dinner and was doing up the dishes after cleaning the kitchen, he headed for the shower, and cleaned himself up for work tomorrow, at least he would be clean even though there was nothing at the 063rd that was after he was done in the bathroom, he too locked his house down, he crawled into bed with his very large Tabby cat Buddy, he was a very sweet kitty. Klayton laid there for a while smoking a cigarette, rubbing on Buddy, and asking him about how should he pay Kostmayer back for this shitty assignment he gave him and Rachel. After a few hours of thinking about it, he put out his cigarette and finally went to sleep for tomorrow was going to be a very long day, neither of us knew what kind of murder case we were going to be working on, but anything from the 063rd was usually very gruesome, and heinous.

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