Chapter 21: Clan

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Makoto's P.O.V


Since Alice pass out, I have to take care of her on the way back. Since we rode motorcycle, I have to put her in front of me. She passed out, I have to keep her safe and unscarred. This advance vehicle is really fast until I have to be alert as Alice start to move left and right continuously.

When I arrived to my mentor's house, I was greeted by all of her friends. Not to mention Alain also.

"Where have you been?" the girl name Miu ask me.

I look at her and the others coldly, especially Alain and said, "It's none of you business." I saw Taehyung, since Alice need warmth so I give her to him and ask him to bring her to her bed.

"What did you do to her?" Alain shout as I pass Alice to Taehyung.

"Nothing, she's just tired," I answered without looking back.

"You lie," Alain start to raise his voice.

"Still can't trust me?" I said.

"I should have killed you back then," he reminded me the dark time between both of us.

"But you don't have the guts to do it don't you," I said proudly. All this conversation seems to attract the Koreans and other Alice's friend attention.

"Let's settle this then," Alain shout. He jump towards me and pull out a small knife from his long sleeve shirt.

I dodge it then take his hand, I examine the weapon then. "This is from my mentor's institute properties," I said.

"You know nothing," he said then I dodge his kick and hit his stomach with gentle fist. He fall to the ground, that should give time.

"You're still naive as always," I said to him while he's hugging his stomach.

"Alain," the girl name Sarang called him. "Care to explain what's going on between you two now?" she asked.

"I'm afraid his stomach is severely hurt," I said. "It might take sometime to recover," I added looking at Alain.

"If you say so, why don't you say explain," Farah looked at me.

I let out a sigh and invite them to come inside, Alain was supported by some guy. As we already inside and sit down in the living room, I start to tell story to them. This is about the conflict between Alain and I.

"Alain didn't tell you which clan that I was from and his clan too if I'm not mistaken," I said.

"I know Japan have a lot of clans. This must be a conflict between you two?" a guy name Lay ask.

"There was no conflict in the first place between the two clan," I clear things up. I look at Alain then continue the prologue of the stories, "I'm from the Fukami clan just like my mentor. Alain is from Hakemichi clan. Hakemichi clan are very well known to be the royalties clan while Fukami clan are known as the diplomat people. Hakemichi and Fukami clan are one family."

"Something happen between the clan then?" Baekhyun ask.

"Sadly yes," I answered. "There's a problem when Hakemichi clan plan to invade both sides of Korea and China. However, us Fukami refuse to help them as we decide that other countries should be at peace just like our country. Without the Fukami clan, Hakemichi clan don't have any strong people to make an army."

"So this conflict makes Alain and you an enemy?" Hongbin ask.

"No, even when there's conflict between both of our clan, we are still friends on that time. Parents don't like us to meet each other but we disobey their order because of our friendship," I explain.

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