seventeen: begging for mercy

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It's been a month. Or if you're one of those people, it's been four weeks.

"Jaureguis are coming over today." I crossed my arms, covering my mouth when I yawned shortly. I looked at my mother tiredly, wondering when she was going to get to the point. We had to clean; we always have to clean when people come over."Which means, I want this whole house spotless."

"Are they sleeping over or something?" Geoffrey spoke up, asking rhetorically, which made Camila elbow him. You never want to say something stupid in front of my mom when it comes to times like this.

It's Thanksgiving, which is why the Jaureguis are coming over in the first place. Clara had told my mother that they couldn't afford to visit their family because they had used all their money up on the cruise they had just came back from. So, my mom, being the kind woman she is, decided to invite the Jaureguis over.

Here's the thing though, as a family, we never really had a Thanksgiving dinner before. And it's not because we aren't grateful for anything, we just never really did it. I remember asking my mom what we were going to do for Thanksgiving, if we were having anyone over, but she said no. That she would just cook dinner and it would be a normal dinner.

Apparently my uncle does the same, because he came over to watch the soccer game once the day after and I overheard him say,"Why does everyone sit down at their dinner table and act like they're grateful for what they are grateful for?" He was a little drunk, like he always is whenever he sees his team losing."If they were really grateful, they would say they are grateful for it everyday, not just on Thanksgiving."

And in his drunk state, it sorta made sense. If you're grateful for what you say you're grateful for, then why are you only grateful for it on Thanksgiving. But hey, this is just me, and apparently my family too, so I don't judge what others do on Thanksgiving. If you want to tell everyone what you're grateful for on Thanksgiving, go for it.

"They should be here in four hours. So get to cleaning." My mom clapped her hands, then used hand gestures for us to go on. I stood up from the couch, making my way to grab the vacuum; knowing well that it's my job to vacuum.

I took my headphones out of my pocket, quickly plugged them into my phone and let myself get into a mood I didn't want to be my playing sad songs.



I glanced at him, nodding shortly as I responded with a "sup" back before continuing to play the game on my phone. He let out a sigh, making me glance at him for a second before going back to my game. He let out another sigh, and I glanced at him again. I knew what was happening, I just didn't want to do what he was expecting me to do. I'm not one to ask if something is wrong, because I'm not one to give good advice or comfort. It's awkward, for me at least.

When he let out another sigh, I looked away from my game and looked around the living room. We were alone. Which left me having to ask him what was wrong. I let out a sigh myself, glancing at him as I held back a groan. It's not that I didn't want to ask, it's just that I didn't care. Which seems rude, like really rude, but it's the way I am.

But Chris is a nice dude, and I don't want him to think I'm rude.

"What's up with you, Chris?"

He let out another sigh, and I rolled my eyes from how dramatic he sounded. He then spoke up, but he sounded seriously upset about this."Lauren and her little boy are annoying as hell." I raised my eyebrow, catching him point over his shoulder. I turned my head, finding Lauren and that fucking asshole at the kitchen, too close to each other.

Mercy (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now