[ 001. snooping ]

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note; takes place in the galaxy series so thunderstorm is older


"Thunder, I-"



"See you later."

With a palm pressed up against your mouth to hold in your gasp, you attentively scrutinized the scene unfolding in front of you with widened eyes, watching Thunderstorm casually shoving his hands deep inside the pockets of his trousers before walking away without a care in the world, rejecting Cassie even before she could speak out her confession.

It left the girl a sobbing mess as she buried her face on her hands. Hearing her faint wails from your hiding spot was enough to make your heart falter. You couldn't blame her, really. If you were head over heels in love with Thunderstorm for two consecutive years, and said boy just rips your heart out and stomps all over it, you'd probably be stuck in the same situation too.

For fear that someone might catch you snooping around, you pushed yourself off the window, taking slow, halting steps backwards to make a run for it. Unfortunately, someone made the mistake of leaving a wet rag on the floor, and you carelessly slipped on it with a loud yelp.

"Ow. . . !" you moaned in pain like a wounded animal when your back collided against the wooden floor, feeling sore all over. Suddenly, you could hear the clunking of shoes enter the room, and Thunderstorm's image went into your line of vision. Except - he was upside down.

"[Name], were you spying on me?" he inquired suspiciously, raising a sharp brow. Ooh, busted!

"Uh, yeah. . . sorry 'bout that," you admitted, silently sulking that you couldn't escape. Why is Thunderstorm always so darn fast? Bracing yourself, you sat up, still feeling a little woozy. "Anyways, why would you reject Cassie? I mean, you can't just break a woman's heart like that, you know."

Thunderstorm's crimson hues became a darker shade, similar to his mood. He firmly pressed his lips together in a thin line, turning his head away to avoid your eyes. He had a hunch that you were going to pop that question.

"I can't just take her out of pity," he finally replied after pausing for a few minutes, silently gritting his teeth. "Nothing would be more disgusting than that."

Then he shifted his piercing gaze on you, staring right into the depths of your soul, "Besides, the only girl I ever bother to think about is you, [Name]."

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