Chapter 1

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543 words
Irene POV
My poor friends why must I ask so much of them. They don't deserve this burden that I must ask of them. These relics will change there lives for the worst. Maybe I shouldn't do it but I need help I can't do this on my own anymore. To protect the regions and keep balance . I turn around see my friends. "My dear friends I'm sorry for asking so much from you". Shad replies "What do you mean Irene, what do you have to be sorry for". "I'm about to ask something of you..all of you...that may ruin your lives". "What is it Irene, we'll do anything for you, you've done so much for us" Esmund says. " I need your help, keeping the regions safe". "The regions..b..b..but I..I..Irene were just us.."says Enki. "No you guys are so much more than that, you guys are brave, loyal, strong, and worthy of anything". "Why is helping you going to ruin our lives that sounds like an honor if you ask me" said Kulzack. "But it is my dear friend for what I am about to give you are called relics they will give you the power that you need to help me but they come with a cost...immortality, you don't have to accept this tas...". I am then interrupted by Menphia "I'll do it". "As will I my lady" said Esmund. "Oh thank you my dear friends..but..Shad,Enki, about you". "I'm up for it" says Shad. Then a moment later Enki and Kulzack nod there heads yes. "Oh thank you, all of you, now about the relics, each relic will give you magic beyond compare, The magic will help you in your quest, our quest to keep our dear regions safe". I walk over to Esmund and hand him his relic "You are Esmund The Protecter". I then walk over to Enki and hand him his relic "you are Enki The Keeper". I slowly start to regret the decision of being selfish and asking my friends of such a thing but it's too late to back out now. I then walk over to Menphia "You are Menphia the fury". I then walk over to Kulzack "you are Kulzack the wanderer". I slowly walk over to shad "Last but not least...Shad..I'm about to ask so much from you and I'm deeply this world we need a balance between good and evil..and I need your help to keep that balance..I slowly start to tear up at the fact that I'm asking my best friend to create create evil..but then Shad hugs me. "Don't worry my lady I will accept this position, I promise I won't let darkness get the better of me". I let go from the hug and give him his relic "You are Shad The Destroyer". "My dear friends thank you". "Hmm I feel like we need a name for our group" Menphia asks. "We should be called Shad and the other guys". "No we should be called The Majestic".  As the arguing went on a name popped into my head. "We shall be named as the Devine Warriors".

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