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It was Friday night, the night before the first Hogsmeade trip of the year.

Jerking awake, I realized that I had kicked my blankets off and was covered in sweat. Checking the time on the clock on my bedside table, I saw the numbers 11:57.

Unnerved by the nightmare I had just had, I padded across the wooden floor and quietly slipped through the door.

Entering the empty common room, the dieing fire was my only source of light. Quickly running past it, I tiptoed up the stairs to the boys dormitories. I've been up these stairs so many times, the prefects and Head Boy gave up on trying to stop me in second year.

Entering the dorm that belonged to my four best friends (can you guess who they are), I found the person I was looking for. Walking over to him, I gently shoved him a few times until he woke up.

"What?" Remus mumbled in a sleepy voice.

"I had a nightmare," I whispered back, not wanting to wake the others.

Without saying another word, Remus pulled back his blanket and motioned for me to lay down. Laying down next to him, I cuddled into his side as his strong arm wrapped around me protectively. Throwing the blanket back over us, I listened as Remus's breathing evened out, signaling that he had fallen asleep again. Breathing a silent sigh of relief, I relaxed into his safe embrace and dozed off to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of a hushed conversation coming from the foot of Remus's bed. Remus was snoring softly beside me and his arm was still wrapped around my waist.

"Why is she in here? And in Remus's bed?" Sirius asked, a trace of something unfamiliar in his voice (could it be jealousy? nah).

"She probably had a nightmare," James whispered back. "You know how she gets around this time of year."

"I know that," Sirius huffed. "But that doesn't explain why she went to Remus instead of you."

"In case you haven't noticed, she's always been closer to Remus than the rest of us." James told him, beginning to sound slightly annoyed.

"So it doesn't worry you at all?" Sirius asked, sounding agitated.

"Why would it? They've slept together before. They spent the entire summer sleeping like that."

"But this time could have been...different." Without even having to look at Sirius, I knew he was giving James a suggestive look.

Not bothering to open my eyes, I raised my arm high and flipped Sirius off.

Snickering slightly, James said, "I think she heard you, Sirius." Then to me, he said, "Peter has gone down to get food so we can all just eat breakfast in here. After that, we'll head to Hogsmeade. Okay?"

Putting my arm back down, I mumbled, "Okay," loud enough for them to hear but not so loud that I would wake Remus.

Considering the fact that I wouldn't be able to get out of Remus's embrace even if I wanted to, I snuggled back down into the mattress. Unfortunately, at that exact moment, Peter had arrived with the food. Smelling it, Remus was up and out of bed in an instant. Groaning slightly, I raised up and ran my hand through my messy hair.

As I snuck a piece of bacon off of James's plate, Peter handed me the thermos that Sirius had given me earlier this week.

"Thanks, Peter," I said through a yawn.

"No problem, Laura," he replied through a mouth full of food.

Taking a large gulp, I almost spit it out. Forcing myself to swallow, I pushed the thermos away as soon as Peter wasn't looking. I didn't want to hurt his feelings but the coffee tasted awful. There was more sugar than actual coffee. Sneaking a drink of Sirius's coffee, I continued to eat.

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