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Neville had found the Room of Requirements one night by accident and it was the perfect place for them to meet. The first meeting of Dumbledore's Army was tonight and Rowen was beyond excited. She was standing in the room the twins on either side of her.

"Rowen?" she turned towards Harry and he summoned her forward. She stood across from a wooden Death Eater with a wand. She had yet to get her own wand out of her pocket and looked at it deciding what spell she was going to cast at it, "disarm." Harry told her.

"Expelliarmus!" she said quickly flourishing her wand.

"I didn't even see her get her wand out of her pocket." someone said from the group behind her. 

"Excellent. Neville, your turn." Harry instructed. He said the spell and his wand flew back nearly hitting someone.

"I'm hopeless."

"You're-you're just flourishing your wand too much." Harry said, "try it like this. Expelliarmus!" Harry said and the wooden Death Eaters wand went flying. It produced another one and the other students kept trying.

Almost nightly they'd go at the end of the day to the Room of Requirements and Harry would teach them new things. Rowen didn't know all of it, she knew a lot because of how much she had read and from her mothers journals but she was eager to learn.

"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal." Harry said standing in the middle of the room, on either side of him were students, "it's sort of a wizard's bread and butter, really." Nigel stood at the other end near the fire across from Harry who stood near the door, "so, um, come on, then, Nigel. Give me your best shot."

"Stupefy!" Nigel said all but throwing his wand at Harry. They both flew back and hit the ground hard.

"Good. Not bad at all, Nigel." Harry said, "well done." Ron and Hermione were set to go and Ron was telling Hermione that he'd go easy on her, that cause Rowen to laugh.

"Thanks, Ronald." Ron moved to the door and they looked at each other. Rowen stood next to George and smiled when him and Fred betted who was going to come out on top. Ron raised his wand, but Hermione got the upper hand and he went flying back. George passed Fred the one sickle he owed him.

"Shut up." Ron stood up and came over to the three.

"I let her do that. It's good manners, isn't it?" he looked over to see the group of girls surrounding Hermione laughing, "it was completely intentional."

As time went on a Proclamation was made indicating that students would be called into questioning about illicit activity. Rowen had been one of the first, but she didn't give up any information. The students apart of Dumbledore's army were getting stronger and stronger as the meetings went on. 

"Working hard is important. But there's something that matters even more. Believing in yourself." Harry said, going around and helping the students with their wand placements. Think of it this way. Every great wizard in history has started out...as nothing more than what we are now: students. If they can do it, why not us?" Harry was really helping out the students. It was the day before they were supposed to go home for Christmas and finally after weeks Neville had finally been able to perform Expelliarmus and it was really impressive to the group and showed how good of a teacher Harry was, "fantastic, Neville. Well done." Rowen stood next to Harry and looked out at the student, Hermione was next to her and Ron on the other side of Harry, "now, we're not going to be meeting again until after the holidays. So just keep practicing on your own as best you can. And...and well done, everyone. Great. Great work." they started to applause and then filed out of the room. Rowen looked over George and found him and Fred talking before going over to Harry. Rowen also Cho standing, waiting for Harry.

"We've been thinking, Harry." Fred said.

"We could always slip Umbridge some puking Pastilles into her tea." George finished for his brother. Rowen came over and grabbed his hand.

"Or fever fudge. They give you these massive pus-filled boils right on.."

"Sounds great, guys. would you excuse me?" Harry said politely. 

"Let's go boys." she said, pulling George away, "now Fred." they all walked out of the Room of Requirements and into the hallways following the other students. 

"So Christmas is coming." George said once they got back into the Common Room.

"You don't say."

"What do I get for Christmas?"

"Who said you get anything at all?" Rowen teased.

"Can I make a suggestion?"

"If you must."

"All I want for Christmas is you."

"That should be a song or something." Rowen kissed his lips, "I'm off to bed. We go back to Padfoot's tomorrow."

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