Take me hoooomme country rooaaaddddd to the plaaaaccceeee i belloooonnngggggg

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Sans and Chara both stood in shock and embarrassment at your outburst. "We uh,we didn't think u noticed" Sans mumbled. "She's not an idiot Sans holy shit you literally just broke her ribs trying to fight me" Chara rolled their eyes and crossed their arms. Sans huffed and glared at Chara. You frowned deeply and stood up,ignoring the pain and throwing your shirt over your head,making your way out the door. Both Sans and Chara stood in shock for a moment before chasing after you. "(Y/n) wait!" Chara yelled but you simply ignored them and made your way over to the living room where Toriel was sitting with a very angry looking Frisk.

"Oh my dear how are you feeling?"  She asked,her tone hiding clear irritation,probably for Frisk. "I'm feeling much better thank u ma'm. And thank you for helping me." She smiled warmly, all traces of anger gone. "It's no problem my dear! I hope i get to see you again soon." You smiled at the idea. "I'll be sure to visit again soon" Toriel smiled again and looked over at Frisk. "Child would you show (y/n) the door?" Frisk's mood seemed to brighten a little as they stood up quickly amd made their way over to the door. When you didn't follow they peeked their head around the corner and motioned for you to follow them. You giggled slightly and followed them over to the front door. They gladly opened it for you then quickly scurried over to give you a soft hug being careful not to hurt you. When they pulled back,they pulled a little piece of paper out of their pocket and handed it to you. You looked at the paper for a second before realizing it was a phone number. Blushing you looked back up at them and saw them shooting at you with finger guns and winking. You laughed before making your way out the door. "Bye Frisk!" They waved at you before closing the door.

To say the walk home wasn't awkward would be a total lie. Sans and Chara where both trailing behind you,occasionally whispering to each other. You felt drained and wanted nothing more than to go to sleep. In all honesty though,you had no idea where you where going. Toriels hpuse was close to the kindergarten,which you never attended because you're parents thought homeschooling you was best. Sans and Chara noticed pretty quickly that you had no idea where you where going but waited until you said something. Your pride of course,wouldn't allow you to do that.

You soon realized that you where back in the bad part of town where the ballet studio was. It was nearly dark and you where starting to panic a bit. Sure you knew how to get home from here but it was at least an hourlong walk. "Kid you want me to get us home?" Sans spoke up making you jump. "I-i yes plea-" you where cut of by laughter coming from the nearby alleyway.

"Well well well boys lookie what we have here"

A/n: oh shit cliffhanger!  I finally updated holy crap. Thank y'all for bein patient my sweet sweet weirdos. I'll update again as soon as i can! 💖🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸

I don't dance. (dancetale!sans x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora